The 15 Most Spoken Languages1. Indonesian. Non-Native Speakers: 153 Million. Cree is the most common indigenous language in Canada, with over 100,000 speakers. Re: Top 10 Most Spoken Languages In All Of Africa by OneNaira6: 7:31pm On Mar 28, 2012. gbogboti: Swahili is most widely spoken African language. Data views are available for various geographic levels. Coming in at the 10th most popular spoken language in the U.S., with roughly 920,000 speakers, is German. Tamil is India's fifth most spoken language, as well as being one of the official languages of Sri Lanka and Singapore. Widely spoken in: China, Taiwan, and Singapore. Canada has 2 official languages, French and English. Mandarin Chinese takes the cake as the world's most spoken language based on its tremendous number of native speakers. 1.4 4. Canada's two official languages, English and French, are excluded. This interactive bubble chart shows the proportions of persons reporting various languages as their mother tongue. Most foreigners who immigrate to Calgary are from the Philippines, India, and China and the top five languages spoken in Calgary, after English . 9. In Mexico City, 55 of 68 national indigenous dialects are spoken. This interactive bubble chart shows the proportions of persons reporting various languages as their mother tongue. View a chart below to see detailed information about what languages are spoken in Mexico in 2020. Numbers vary widely Ethnologue puts the number of native speakers at 1.3 billion native speakers, roughly 1.1 billion of whom speak Mandarin but there's no doubt it's the most spoken language in the world. The following table contains the top 100 languages by estimated number of native speakers in the 2007 edition of the Swedish encyclopedia Nationalencyklopedin.As census methods in different countries vary to a considerable extent, and given that some countries do not record language in their censuses, any list of languages by native speakers, or total speakers, is effectively based on estimates. English. English is from the family of West Germanic languages. TORONTO'S LANGUAGES Toronto is the most linguistically diverse city in Canada and one of the most diverse in the world. Some of the non-official languages are spoken by large In the 2011 Census of Canada, the Canadian population of nearly 33.5 million reported more than 200 languages as their language spoken at home or their mother tongue. 2016 Census topic: Language. Galician is closely related to Portuguese, with the two languages being derived from the West-Iberian language group. Calgary (Alberta) Calgary comes in at number three on our list of most multicultural places to live in Canada. Of course, the majority of these languages are not necessarily what one would consider "thriving.". Native speakers (2019): 917.8 million. English is also known as the . Overall, the number of Canadians who speak more than one language is growing. 9. It is used in global business, worldwide travel, diplomatic affairs, and in computer technology. 7.5 million people in Canada speak a language other than English or French at home, but only a few have as many as 100,000 sp. Assamese language is an official language of Assam state, spoken by 15 million speakers. One of the hardest things to figure out is the number of people who speak a language. Vietnamese has one of the largest increases since 1980 at 510 percent. It has an entirely foreign alphabet. Number of speakers: 129 million. Keep in mind that this statistic doesn`t address . Russian. Languages Spoken at Home in Canada . The population figures in this table refer to first language speakers in all countries. Fulani, also known as Fula, Fulfulde, Pulaar, or Pular, is spoken by 24 million people in 20 countries in West and Central Africa. This is not a surprise as English has been dominating the internet languages for many years. 8th on our list of top 10 most spoken languages in the world is Russian, known to be the official language of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan. Mandarin Chinese. Mandarin and other Chinese dialects: 151,030 Here are the four most common ones: 1. The next most spoken languages in B.C. Though Chinese consists of various dialects, they use the same writing system, so learning one will still help you communicate with speakers of other dialects via the written word . Canada also has 60 Indigenous languages. French is the strong second with over 8 million people who speak it at home. spoke a language other than English or French as their first language. In Cuba, the Galician language is used . Tagalog is the second most commonly spoken language in American households (after English/Spanish) with 1.7 million speakers, even though it only reaches top spot in Nevada. Fun fact: The English word "goodbye" was originally a contraction of "God be with ye". Approximately 200 different languages are spoken here, and 45% of the residents speak a mother tongue other than French or English, according to the 2011 census. In 2013, Russian was announced to be the second most used internet language, after the almighty English language. Another reason is India's craze about Canada, where French is one of the two official languages. 1. 22.8%. 1.3 3. Mandarin was the main immigrant language spoken at home in Prince Edward Island. Language is the fourth release from the census of Canada taken on May 10, 2016. But plenty of others agree they are all German, just different dialects. Also popular in large cities, Cantonese is another Chinese language that is commonly spoken in Canada. 4. Non-Native speakers: 198.7 million. There is also a significant chunk of that population living in Hawaii and New York City. Specifically looking at the Top 5 Languages spoken in Australia, it's clear that 3 of the languages (Mandarin, Cantonese and Vietnamese) are representative of languages spoken by many of our close neighbours in Asia.The Arabic language is spoken in a number of regions across the globe whereas Italian is represented due to the huge influx of post-war migrants between 1946 and the 1970s. English is the clear winner with over 25 million people who speak it at home. Neither English nor French. As you might expect, the most widely spoken language in the USA is English. Within Europe, France is the third most popular destination for international students, including India. TAMIL: 68.8 million. Foreign Languages Spoken in Cuba: Galician and Corsican. If you are looking for a language that is spoken by a large number of people and used in many areas of the world, English is one of the best languages to learn. However, this is only one piece in the full fabric of languages. For this list, mother tongue is used as many Torontonians speak multiple languages at home. After English, the most common languages spoken at home are Cantonese and Mandarin, Punjabi, German, Tagalog, French, Korean, Spanish, and Farsi. English. The Russian language is also one of two official languages aboard the International Space Station - NASA astronauts who serve alongside Russian cosmonauts usually take Russian language courses. More than 25 per cent of people speak a third language in Canada's west-most province. The fifth-most common language spoken at home across the country is the most frequently reported immigrant language in Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. . 1. Mandarin. Hindi / (528 millions Speakers) . 1. About a fifth of Canadians, or nearly 6.8 million people, reported having a mother tongue other than English or French, Canada's two official . Below, we've compiled a list of the ten most commonly spoken languages as recorded by Statista in 2018. In fact, more than 200 languages from around the world are spoken. Egyptian - 2690 BC (circa. Arabic is the top language, other than English or French, spoken at home in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Often called the most romantic language in the world, French is spoken in tons of countries, including Belgium, Canada, Rwanda, Cameroon, and Haiti. 1. Catamaran (1697), pariah (1613), poppadum (1820 . This bar graph shows the population (in percentage) by knowledge of official languages, Canada, 2011. Across Canada, you'll hear many other unofficial languages in restaurants, on buses and at school. With over 1,130 million native speakers, English is the most spoken . It has overtaken Italian and Greek to be the most spoken language, other than English in Victoria. 1. June 1, 2022. Unofficial Language in: UAE, Germany and over 40 countries. Continue Reading. Of the 712,000 people who reported speaking an immigrant language . Most foreigners who immigrate to Calgary are from the Philippines, India, and China and the top five languages spoken in Calgary, after English . Data visualization. speak English at home. Total, more than 220 million people speak French, making it the sixth most widely spoken language in the world. Telugu. 1.8%. The number of Native speakers in the USA as per 2018 data from the government of the USA : It is also taught in schools of many countries across the globe. Not only that, but many of the top global economies are English-speaking ones the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. Again, most Arabic speakers live in either Ontario or Quebec, with the largest Arabic-speaking community in Montreal, followed by Toronto. The world's 10 oldest languages in the world. Shomal, or North, is considered one of the best Persian restaurants in Toronto. This is one of Canada`s more recent immigrant communities, arriving in the 80s and 90s, the largest number from Lebanon. According to Statista statistics, English is the most represented language online. English is one definitely one of the most important languages to learn in 2021 and beyond. ( Source) The top 5 Indian languages spoken in the USA are : Hindi. So, it is perhaps no surprise that the oldest language on this list is also from and used in Africa . 10 French. Also among those in the top are Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Arabic among others. Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the worldspoken in some form by 1.2 billion peopleso it only makes sense to include it on this list. Additional Source: Statistics Canada, "Language spoken most often at home by other language(s) spoken regularly at home (Total) and age (Total), 2016 counts for the population excluding institutional residents of Canada, provinces and territories, 2016 Census - 100% data," Language Highlight Tables, 2016 Census, Statistics Canada . 1 language to learn in the year 2021. Additional Source: Statistics Canada, "Language spoken most often at home by other language(s) spoken regularly at home (Total) and age (Total), 2016 counts for the population excluding institutional residents of Canada, provinces and territories, 2016 Census - 100% data," Language Highlight Tables, 2016 Census, Statistics Canada . 18. Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Canada 2011 - 2016. 234 million. Official Language in: France, Canada, Belgium, Ivory Coast, etc. Gujrati. As you might expect, the most widely spoken language in the USA is English. If you wish to learn a language that one in six people in the world speak, this is . non-ocial languages spoken in the GTA, Cantonese was the language most often spoken at home (3.1% of single responses). The 2016 Census of Population Program offers a wide range of analysis, data, reference and geographical information according to topics (subjects) that paint a portrait of Canada and its population. In most places, it uses the standard Fulfulde . The next most spoken languages in B.C. Read next: Bet You Didn't Know These 9 Royals Are South Americans. Click on the language name to view its home country Ethnologue entry. The most spoken languages in the world can be split into 9 language families: Indo-European has 42 distinct languages such as English, Hindi, Spanish, French, Bengali, Russian, Portuguse, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Afrikaans, Bavarian, Czech, and more. Only Cree, Inuktitut, Ojibway, Oji-Cree, Dene and Montagnais (Innu) are spoken by more than 10,000 people in Canada. After English, the most common languages spoken at home are Cantonese and Mandarin, Punjabi, German, Tagalog, French, Korean, Spanish, and Farsi. English. The English language has 25.3% of internet users worldwide. Punjabi. It is considered an immigrant language, which for Canada tends to belong to one of 23 language families.You'll most likely find Mandarin speakers in Canada's largest metropolitan areas, like Calgary, Ottawa-Gatineau, and of course Vancouver. One of Top 10 Hardest Languages To Learn - Arabic. It is the global lingua franca, the third most-spoken native language in the world, and an official language in 60 sovereign states. In Alberta, the majority of people speak English but immigrant languages . 5. There are around 70 distinct Indigenous languages in Canada, falling into 12 separate language families. Show. Lithuanian, French, and Polish are the most common languages spoken by non-English speakers there. Many language learners are interested in French because it's a smart investment . 78.2% of the population, almost 4 out of 5, speak English exclusively. French is one of the fastest growing languages in the world, with 750 million people expected to speak it by 2050. German. Oh, and France too. spoke a language other than English or French as their first language. In second place among the most spoken languages in the USA is Spanish, a language spoken by more than 41 million people, accounting for 13.% of the total. While speakers of German went down by 30 percent, the number of French speakers increased by 28 percent from the 1980 figures. It is in the Algonquian language family and is thought to have diverged from Proto . 199 million. 3. A multitude of languages have always been spoken in Canada.Prior to Confederation, the territories that would become Canada were home to over 70 distinct languages across 12 or so language families.Today, a majority of those indigenous languages are still spoken; however, only about 0.6% of the Canadian population report an Indigenous language as their mother tongue. 11. Native Speakers: 80 Million. The Aboriginal and immigrant language bubbles can be clicked to display the relative proportions of each individual language reported in that group. Indigenous languages also are spoken in B.C . Will you find language barriers? Bengali. 3. 75.4%. It is the most spoken language in the world because it is the official language of six continents. are Punjabi with 182,920 speakers and German at 73,625. Many methods can be used to count the number of speakers, but each has its own limitations. Related Posts: Top 10 Foreign Language Courses [2022 Updated Courses] The figures coming this week are expected to show some 200 languages are spoken in Canada, with seven million people - or more - saying their mother tongue is neither English nor French . Calgary (Alberta) Calgary comes in at number three on our list of most multicultural places to live in Canada. Over the same period, Italian speakers have declined by 10%, Greek by 5%, while Vietnamese has increased by 19% and Cantonese by 7%. English (1,132 million speakers) Language family: Germanic, a sub-family of Indo-European. The Aboriginal and immigrant language bubbles can be clicked to display the relative proportions of each individual language reported in that group. Unsurprisingly, Louisiana and states bordering eastern Canada have a healthy number of French speakers. 1. There are more native tongues that are spoken by fewer than 100 people, and they include Sarsi, Oneida, Comox, Southern . The census divides the language category into mother tongue and languages spoken at home. also one of the most spoken language in Canada. Quechua: 8.5 to 10 million speakers. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Origins of the Most Spoken Languages. ; Afro-Asiatic is made of 15 languages which includes 12 different .

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