Morgellons and Lyme Disease Julie April 24, 2009 "I developed painful sores on my left shoulder with stinging and biting pain and ferocious itching out of the blue in August 2006. . Her website, The House That Morgellons Built, has been inactive for years now and has been stripped of virtually every photograph and video that used to be there. Wow!! The first paper will describe a series of observations under the microscope at relatively high power. She became extremely proficient with her microscope and learned to photograph these nightmares under high resolution and then began making her own videos of them. Reply Morgellons disease is an emerging multisystem illness characterized by unexplained dermopathy and unusual skin- associated filament production. Morgellons specimen showing rhizoids (root system) and sporangiophores. 300 Bekeken Delen insluiten In Nieuws & Politiek. Showing. 62 likes. That takes us back to the 1st scientist that discovered them! Morgellons is not Psychosomatic in nature, yet many healthcare providers choose to approach treating it this way. Victims feel like bugs are crawling under their skin. If the water dries on the mirror without even a spot or. You need to use a 60x micro microscope with a light. Let it dry. The movements of fibers observed under a microscope are caused by static electricity or the random motion of particles in a fluid (Brownian motion). GrahamWelsh 1 year ago. This paper shows that most studies of Morgellons disease are appreciably flawed, and the . Follow us. Credit: David Mariuz Staehr moves the microscope from one sore to another, revealing the black . Sarsaparilla tincture. These are all in flecks of shed, dried skin." Photomicrographs courtesy Morgellons Research Foundation, OSU. Morgellons is not an official diagnosis. Three Morgellons fibers in all three colors: clear on the bottom, red in the . If someone knows how to extract them, please go ahead and upload them on other more accessible platforms . those are pretty macroscopic too under a scope. While this test might reveal evidence of oral biofilms in the mouth, the red wine spit test does not demonstrate if filaments are embedded in skin tissue. Morgellons Disease Causes painful open sores that last for months or don't heal. In addition, real worms look very different under a microscope than fibers, with visible organs and other distinguishable characteristics. A Morgellons worm came out of a clothing size label on a Kawasaki racing jacket made in Korea. BLACK FIBER IN MASK MOVES(?!) See article below: "Morgellons: Mysterious Skin Disease Under Microscope" The "Strange Days Strange Skies" article from the Carnicom Institute is all over the Internet. Embedded cutaneous blue and white filaments @ 50X magnification. Sometimes samples were taken directly from the skin pore by skin shading or needle. . Mites colonies are usually large enough to see, so you will find dark brown dots on walls, pet's . The general public appears to be subject to the conditions that are shown in this report. In addition, patients report the presence of seed-like . The filaments from the Morgellons patients were confirmed to contain keratin via immunohistological staining with antibodies specific for human keratins. Unfortunately, those videos are embedded in FB posts but you can still watch them without an account. He had some chicken. LYMES/MORGELLONS PROTOCOL. Frustrated, as doctors did not believe her and instead started questioning her mental stability, she took matters into her own hands and started the Morgellons Research Foundation. Morgellons under the microscope ! Fibers can be removed from sores or intact skin with tweezers. He was very upset because he said it looked "altered" and was using very fine particulate metals as weapons against the Morgellons disease is an unproven skin condition in which sufferers report that fibers are being released from sores on their body ( here ). AFTER I APPLY 70% MEDICAL ALCOHOL TO IT. A Morgellon appears in different phenotypes .Most often they appear as gray, glassy or white threads .The fibers blue , black , green , yellow or red are less common. Tweet. Morgellons fibres in PCR testingI received a few "unpacking" videos of C0vid-tests that got checked under a microscope. . Morgellons was named in 2001 by an American called Mary Leitao, whose son complained of sores around his mouth and the sensation of "bugs".Examining him with a toy microscope, Leitao found him to . The constituents in the resulting solution have been repeatedly examined under the microscope at high power. After a very short time, more and more black specks appeared on the skin. A video where a woman unravels the fibre from several Covid-19 dry swabs and claims that the material is "alive" and made of "Morgellons", a filament associated with an unproven medical condition, has garnered tens of thousands of views on both Facebook and YouTube since early January. Looking under the microscope, the samples look like amorphous skin, like a skin sample from a normal person might look. On examining the material brought by her under the microscope we found dark-colored fine and coarse fibers some of which showed localized nodes and thread-like extensions. You are most likely to find them around the nails. January 15, 2020. Surely not the same Johnson and Johnson who used asbestos to dilute their baby powder. Cat's Claw tincture 150 lbs=2/3rd tsp 3x a day; 100 lbs=1/2 tsp 3x a day. Morgellons in our Bloodstream Diatoms are photosynthetic organisms referred to as algae with a length/diameter of between 2 and 500 microns. Post . It is decribed as white with a "hard ribbed outer shell," and it can curl up or lie flat. Donna Staehr at her Adelaide home in a radiation suit designed to treat her Morgellons symptoms. These fibers are not associated with scabs or open lesions, nor are they under scarred tissue. blood samples under an atomic microscope and observed a fungus in EVERYBODY'S blood sample, including his own (note: Mr. Carnicom is finding fibers and an unknown, perhaps bacterial, form in everyone's blood as well.) They're called Morgellons." (Timestamp 2.54). Morgellons Disease Moving On Your Body Under A Microscope Morgellons Is A Epidemic & Spreading Like Wild Fire.Morgellons Disease The Silent Epidemic & No One. We bought a microscope for the computer and caught collembola on heated flea traps. Share on Facebook. From: Sage Consulting and Apothecary: [Phone: 888-350-391. Initially, some people on the internet proposed the "red wine spit test" as a method of eliciting Morgellons. This is a blood sample. He looked at it under a microscope and said he saw no mites or evidence of scabies. This means that fibers present in the . 5. Teasel tincture 10 drops 3x a day. Fibers don't match any known fibers. Black sporangiophores are clearly seen. The worms start hatching under the microscope light. Review of medical literature exposes flaws in delusional description. These claims are false - the synthetic fibre of . 'Morgellons patients have masses of dark fibers visible at x60 magnification under the unbroken skin, while unaffected individuals do not,' says Randy Wymore, assistant professor of pharmacology at Oklahoma State University. The fibers they call Morgellons increase in about 6 mo. There are currently over 1,100 hundred known cases in the U.S., mostly in Texas, Florida and California of what is being called 'Morgellons', and it is spreading. This material was also tested for fluorescence under . You can buy such a microscope for well under $20 at an electronics store or on the internet. February 5, 2018 by Jeremy Murphree. Morgellons and the CIA's MK/NAOMI Project (Part 2) by Hank P. Albarelli Jr., Zoe Martell . Morgellons Study Cited by Faculty of 1000 Study of Emerging Skin Disease Among Top 2% Published - June 12, 2012 Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study- May 15, 2012 Filament formation associated with spirochetal infection: a comparative approach to Morgellons disease - Nov 4, 2011. The method has . It has been published on over 20 sites and rising - yes - even this one now. Covid-19, Vaccination. April 20, 2021 admin Comments 0 Comment. Therefore, diatoms are simply aquatic organisms, which can be found in such environments as fresh and marine . If you then examine them under the microscope - you can only see red, green, blue, glassy and black filaments, which are also surrounded by slime (biofilm). Despite evidence demonstrating that an infectious process is involved and that lesions are not self-inflicted, many medical practitioners continue to claim that this illness is delusional. Mites and collembola can be identified through a microscope. and I looked at them very carefully over and over again under the microscope," she said. It is under the skin of the reader, but it can break through, and it causes a lot of itching and discomfort . . As a sufferer of Morgellons for eight years, Two weeks ago I tested this theory on myself. . We identified 115 case-patients. And fools will take the "vaccine: from that "Company" . Skin symptoms can range from mild (rashes, burning, crawling sensations) to severe (fiber growth and open lesions). 303 Views Share Embed In News & Politics. Bugs crawling under your skin. Skin was falling off ears in huge itchy white patches like yeast infection and then I Had a huge cyst under ear appear after taking antibiotic for sore throat, which opened to reveal millions of black and white hairs, white gelatin, black and white spots. The vet did tell me after looking at them under a microscope that they reminded him of a fly. January 15, 2020. Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation announces a new study that shows Morgellons disease is not a delusion. The organism dies and it eliminated out of the body. Morgellons disease is a rare and poorly understood condition that causes chronic skin wounds that can contain black, white, red, or blue fibers. I had all the varieties that Morgellons' patients refer to: the granules which were typically black or red and felt like sand coming out; sharp, clear fiberglass shards; black hair-like fibers; and fibrous thread-like strings in red, white and deeper down, blue and green (from melanin staining). The threads are slightly thinner than a human hair (10 - 200 m) and the length of a single fiber is 0.1 mm to 2 mm .Fibers that are several centimeters long are rarely described. Dr. Wymore says these fibers "are typical in the scabs and dried skin of Morgellons patients. TEST SWAB UNDER MICROSCOPE - MORGELLONS? One such clump of fibers has gone from a dozen microscopic fibers to about a hundred or so and can easily be extracted by tweezers. when this came out I put a new pair of women's white socks under a microscope and found the same fibers. Causes black granules and white clear, red, blue, black, or green fibers to emerge from the skin. Morgellons worms on the covid swabs: Video #1: German guy finds morgellons worms on covid swab. It appears like they found black fibers with strange properties. If you examine the threads under ultraviolet . Morgellons is a skin condition, and the associated filaments do not appear in . A time lapse video under the microscope has been developed which demonstrates the cultured growth pattern and behavior of a primary pathogenic form that is in direct association with the so-called "Morgellons" condition. Mikroscope Images 3 Accumulation of tiny biofilm filaments that can create unreal structures. Morgellons is the name of a contested disease . Initially, some people on the internet proposed the "red wine spit test" as a method of eliciting Morgellons. It's difficult to imagine in the 21st century, and after multiple studies that demonstrate an infectious etiology, Morgellons patients would be consigned to psychiatric treatment. Rather, it's a collection of unexplained symptoms including abnormal sensations that sufferers describe as the feeling of insects crawling on the skin. Morgellons Disease Most individuals with Morgellons disease report disturbing crawling, stinging, and biting sensations, as well as non-healing skin lesions, which are associated with highly unusual structures. The parasite is complicated. Morgellons is not Psychosomatic in nature, yet many healthcare providers choose to approach treating it this way. If a fine white ring remains on the mirror, there's the minerals. Morgellons under the Microscope. The latest research proves Morgellons is a parasitical infection that is also infesting our homes and environment. In the middle, the same process with red fibers and in the right image you can see a white filament. The threads are slightly thinner than a human hair (10 - 200 m) and the length of a single fiber is 0.1 mm to 2 mm .Fibers that are several centimeters long are rarely described. ROBIN WAKELING EXAMINES PFIZER JAB UNDER THE MICROSCOPE BY DR. SAM BAILEY . Basically it's a blood clot happening in the system caused by dehydration.From the literature I was given: "RBCs clumping together in a mass due to a change in the negative surface charge; this is a more disorganizing symptomology where plasma acts as molecular glue, causing RBCs to stick together. Page where everyone can post their Morgellons pictures etc, all posts by you to page will be shared to the main page for discussion. There was no hair, nits, or any other structure of dermatological significance [Figures 2 and 3 ]. Thousands . The prevalence was 3.65 cases per 100,000 enrollees. Background held digital microscope, a network of blue fibers under the skin of these patients was visualized, as well as blue and white fibers "The colors and shapes of the fibers of each individual were very, very similar People with Morgellons disease report a wide range . 5. Since 70% of people do not get the sores associated with morgellons, the only way to really know is to look for the filaments that appear on or under the skin. Morgellons epidemic coming. The diagnosis of Morgellons is based on the presence of the fibers and lesions that will not heal. Show more 5 Comments sort Sort By Top Comments; Latest comments; Publish. Morgellons Microscope Images #2 Microscope Images Gallery Biofilm Mikroscope Images 2 These two polysaccharid capsules (A + B) are linked to each other via biofilm filaments Polysaccharid capsules with 5-6 core biofilm filaments Never seen such 5-6 core biofilm filaments Bacterial fruiting bodies grow out from one filament Baculovirus is Identified as Causing Morgellons Baculovirus is Identified as the Cause of Morgellons I am stating that the baculovirus is the skeleton, backbone, the central system around which Morgellons is operating. Morgellons specimen showing hyphae, sporangia and sporangiophores Morgellons specimen still in skin. Morgellons - Weird 'Alien' Bug Hits Thousands In US. We received a very distressing email from a reader recently who is suffering from some sort of parasitic infection, or what is believed to be a parasitic infection. to almost visible with the naked eye or magnifying glass. covid-19, Morgellons Disease, PCR test. February 5, 2018 by Jeremy Murphree. The Morgellons disease is characterized in part by the presence of a host of unusual skin . Being a biologist, she placed one of the particles she had pulled form her son's lesion, under the microscope, discovering the mysterious objects. The subject of observation is sample material received from an individual that displays the symptoms of what is now known as Morgellons disease. Japanese Knotweed tincture 150 lbs=2/3rd tsp 3x a day;100 lbs=1/2 tsp 3x day. Morgellons is a skin condition, and the associated filaments do not appear in .

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