Number of full-time equivalents. more info Click to expand. Pupils Per Teacher: 18.6. . Heathfield Community College Cade Street Heathfield East Sussex TN21 8RJ Telephone 01435 866066 Term Time Opening Hours Main Office/Reception Monday - Thursday 8.00am - 5.00pm Friday 8.00am - 4.30pm Who to contact? Heathfield Community College - Covid consent letter. Having a 15:1 teacher/pupil ratio, it is slightly less than average, which permits the teachers at the This School to spend a little more time with their pupils. There are three inter-related parts to the Heathfield Curriculum: The particular school ethos, iterated through the behaviour and attitudes of both students and teachers; an ethos that led the last Ofsted to describe Heathfield as 'a very moral place.'. Staff List; Governors; Admissions; Ofsted; Policies; Centre Assessed Grades 2021; Contact Us. Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset TA2 8PD Contact Us. This is your landing page. This is your landing page. . . When recruiting, we place great value on employing staff who have a positive, enthusiastic outlook and who are willing to work hard and be committed to achieving the highest . Staff List. It encourages students to reflect on their beliefs and experiences and behave . This is an exciting opportunity to gain experience in a supportive school . Term 5 Clubs & Intervention 2022 Term 5 PE Extra-Curricular . Website : (now Heathfield Community College) in Old Heathfield in 1950 attracted younger families to the area. Mr Robert Gregory, BSc Hons (Sussex), is a former Heathfield parent. Having a 15:1 teacher/pupil ratio, it is slightly less than average, which permits the teachers at the This School to spend a little more time with their pupils. Staff. Shop : 2-8 Sussex Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4EA. Assistant Head/SENCO/Arts College Director/Wellbeing. Heathfield Community College. ESCC Letter to Parents/Carers, 25 February 2022. Number of pupils: 1477. 219,269. Telephone : 01444 413466. In his nemore temporibus consequuntur, vim ad prima vivendum consetetur. Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset . Staff. Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset TA2 8PD Contact Us. Student Leadership at Uplands Community College; Termly Thoughts; 5 Year Plan; SCHOOL LIFE . Community. Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset TA2 8PD Contact Us. We are looking for an excellent teacher of Art to join our highly successful College. End of Week Parent-Carer Update Letter, 7 January 2022. WELCOME. Staff E-mail. Cabinet member for the Economy which includes Infrastructure and Skills. . Number of pupils: 1477. See also The Schools Guide page for this school (free) Or the Insights profile for this school (subscribers only ) Profile . Craig Manning - Teacher of English, New initiatives and CPD opportunities will be launched here as well in the near future. It has been designed to give you quick links to the most used links, e.g. Heathfield Community School. Committed and experienced staff create the very best learning environment for all our students, who apply a purposeful focus to . Number of pupils: 1393. Click here for information on who to contact and how to raise a concern Teaching Staff e-mail addresses: In order of Year Groups Heathfield Community College. Prior to appointment the Human Resources Department will apply for: 88.2. Heathfield Community College is an oversubscribed mixed 11-18 rural school with a reputation for high aspirations and achievement. College Address. . Tel: (01823) 412396 Fax: (01823) 413119 Email: . Heathfield Community College - Covid consent letter. Claire Martin - Teacher of English, Representation of the county in Europe and especially regarding INTERREG funding 3. On behalf of the students, staff and trustees at Hailsham Community College Academy Trust, I would like to welcome you to our website. It has been designed to give you quick links to the most used links, e.g. ESCC Letter to Parents/Carers, 25 February 2022. Heathfield is a happy and successful environment; we are very proud of our inspirational and ambitious community. Celebrate effort and achievement in all areas of life Develop home school partnerships which support and foster children's success Key Stage 2 SATs 2019 78 Reading Expected Standard (73% National Results) 77 Writing Expected Standard (78% National Results) 94 Maths Expected Standard (79% National Results) 69 Reading, Writing & Maths Covid-19 communication 2021/2022; COVID-19 self-testing link and posters; Live learning news; Covid-19 communication 2020/2021; Covid-19 communication 2019/2020; Remote education provision at Uplands Community College . Please do not hesitate to contact Broadbridges before placing an order if you are unsure about the style or fit or any items (eg blazers, trousers, PE tops). Main Office/Reception Monday - Thursday 8.00am - 5.00pm Friday 8.00am - 4.30pm Basic equipment; COVID-19. Here are some of the things you have said and what we have done: . Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset TA2 8PD Contact Us. See also The Schools Guide page for this school (free) . Parent Letter, 21 January 2022. Heathfield Community College, Cade Street, Heathfield, TN21 8RJ | 01435 866066 | [email protected][email protected] Sussex Records Office and The Gulbenkian Foundation and staff and students from the University of Brighton for developing this inclusive and insightful project. Rupert Simmons is the East Sussex County Councillor for the Heathfield division. FAQs in Response to Changes to Covid Regulations, 24 February 2022. Other responsibilities include: 1. Address: Cade Street . Please do not hesitate to contact Broadbridges before placing an order if you are unsure about the style or fit or any items (eg blazers, trousers, PE tops). Governors; Admissions; Ofsted; Policies; Centre Assessed Grades 2021; Contact Us. Broadbridges Uniform Suppliers. Exmouth Community College; Fakenham Academy; Northallerton School & Sixth Form College; The Arnewood School, New Milton . Working at Uckfield College means joining a vibrant, dedicated and skilled team, who are committed to working collaboratively to achieve real excellence for our students. Find Us. Staff E-mail. school e-mail. Working at Uckfield College means joining a vibrant, dedicated and skilled team, who are committed to working collaboratively to achieve real excellence for our students. 203,686. Staff - Heathfield Community College Staff Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Heathfield Click here for the latest collaboration details - you will need to log on to Firefly to access these Click here for the Heathfield Teaching and Learning blog 88.2. This is a state-of-the-art facility delivering the Level 3 University Arts London Extended Diploma in Performing and Production Arts which balances hands-on vocational experience and academic exploration of the arts and creativity. Arts College Status. Heathfield Community College, Cade Street, Heathfield, TN21 8RJ . Tel: (01823) 412396 . Charlotte was appointed as governor in 2018 and is Chair of the Educational, Pastoral and Compliance sub-committee and is the School's Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Lead Governor. . This is the full-time equivalent number of all qualified & unqualified classroom and leadership group teachers with a contract of one month or longer working in the school. Staff List; Governors; Admissions; Ofsted; Policies; Centre Assessed Grades 2021; Contact Us. Address: Cade Street . Sex: Mixed (48% boys / 52% girls) More information can be found on The SPACE website. Heathfield Community College has been on a five-year journey of significant improvement, putting the College in a strong position to . The Heathfield Curriculum. The timetable includes the list of intervention sessions which students will be invited to by their Teacher when appropriate. Heathfield Community College takes pride in the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of all students. Staff; News & Events. 2. Heathfield Community College is a high performing secondary school and Sixth Form in East Sussex. more info Click to expand. Assistant Head/SENCO/Arts College Director/Wellbeing. The railway was used to carry building materials, coal and stores and sometime visitors and staff, to the nearby mental hospital. Includes rates, exam fees, other insurance premiums, special facilities such as swimming pools, loan interest, community focused school staff and school costs 249.00 254.00 . Term 3 2021/22. At Heathfield, our post-16 provision happens at The SPACE. Broadbridges Uniform Suppliers. More information can be found on The SPACE website. Ideal for ECT's. Pride. Northward at Horam there is still a 1930's Southern Railway concrete platform with its own lamp standard. . Latest College News; Local Events; Extra Curricular Activities . Stuart Mackenzie - Teacher of Science, This is the full-time equivalent number of all qualified & unqualified classroom and leadership group teachers with a contract of one month or longer working in the school. Heathfield Community College, Cade Street, Heathfield, TN21 8RJ | 01435 866066 | [email protected][email protected] Telephone. . See also The Schools Guide page for this school (free) Or the Insights profile for this school (subscribers only ) Profile . Facebook. Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Heathfield Click here for the latest collaboration details - you will need to log on to Firefly to access these . Non-teaching Staff*: 35.8. FAQs in Response to Changes to Covid Regulations, 24 February 2022. Number of full-time equivalents. Pupils Per Teacher: 17.4. Non-teaching Staff*: 27.5. Contact Details. SMSC is concerned with students developing their core values; being responsible, respectful and active citizens. Contact Details. New initiatives and CPD opportunities will be launched here as well in the near future. Welcome to Heathfield School, a boarding and day school for girls aged 11-18 in Ascot, Berkshire, near Heathrow, Windsor and close to London via the M3 and M4. The Home-School Agreement which outlines the partnership between student, parent and staff is reviewed annually and is in the student's planners. Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset TA2 8PD He was HR Director at Grants of St James's, Mirror Group Newspapers, Maxwell . 01435 866066 Term Time Opening Hours. With 93.6 members of staff, Heathfield Community College has significantly more teachers than most schools in a similiar location. The taught curriculum from Years . ESCC Letter to Parents_Carers, 17 January 2022. Contact Details. . Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset TA2 8PD Add comment. Shop : 2-8 Sussex Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4EA. Non-teaching Staff*: 27.5. school e-mail. Staff List. . Parent Letter, 21 January 2022. The 'Second Timetable.'. Heathfield Community School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Ambition. Students are taught by a dedicated and highly qualified team of full-time staff in this stunning purpose-built Centre which includes: an 80 seat theatre equipped with high tech lighting and sound control room, Dance and Drama studios, Apple Mac Design Suite, set build scene dock, recreational areas and bistro . Heathfield Community School School Road Monkton Heathfield Taunton Somerset TA2 8PD Contact Us. Biology A Level is assessed over 3 papers: Paper 1 - Any content from topics 1-4, including relevant practical skills (91 marks, 35% of A Level, 2 hours) Paper 2 - Any content from topics 5-8, including relevant practical skills (91 marks, 35% of A Level. End of Week Parent-Carer Update Letter, 7 January 2022. . 219,269. Website : Staff. . At Heathfield, our post-16 provision happens at The SPACE. Jennifer Martin - Head of Humanities, . Pupils Per Teacher: 17.4. With 93.6 members of staff, Heathfield Community College has significantly more teachers than most schools in a similiar location. . Twitter. Term 3 2021/22. Contact Details. Heathfield Community College Cade Street Heathfield East Sussex TN21 8RJ . Heathfield Community College, Cade Street, Heathfield, TN21 8RJ | 01435 866066 | [email protected] . When recruiting, we place great value on employing staff who have a positive, enthusiastic outlook and who are willing to work hard and be committed to achieving the highest . Find Us. Sex: Mixed (48% boys / 52% girls) We listen to students and parents / carers feedback. Tel: (01823) 412396 Fax: (01823 . Governors; Admissions; Ofsted; Policies; Centre Assessed Grades 2021; Contact Us. Tel: (01823) 412396 Fax: (01823) 413119 Email: . Welcome from the Executive Principal. ESCC Letter to Parents_Carers, 17 January 2022. This is a state-of-the-art facility delivering the Level 3 University Arts London Extended Diploma in Performing and Production Arts which balances hands-on vocational experience and academic exploration of the arts and creativity. Staff | Governors; About Us.

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