Funtime Freddy. Christopher Afton is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4. 3/16/2021. Unlike her original counterpart, this Clara is more involved in the games and serves as a villainous figure. 100. Head bitten by fredbear William Afton is the guy who killed five kids, stuffed them in suits they now possess, got killed by their revenge craving souls, possesses a now super old golden rabbit animatronic, gets put into a game and escapes becoming some glitch. Fazbear Entertainment, mentre escaneja les plaques de circuits d'animatronics, escaneja la placa de circuits de Springtrap. 400. Chris Afton s real? Henry Emily, also known as the Cassette Man, is the overarching protagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. Shadow Freddy. Okay, so I have two links and pictures that benefit why I think they are. Which animatronic does Elizabeth Afton possess? Phantom Teddy Bear. Crying Child or the Bite Victim is the main protagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's 4 minigames. Pre-Night 5. Funtime foxy. Bite Victim seems to be 8-12 years old, and has brown hair and a striped black and white shirt. Mrs. Afton (name not released yet) - Ballora Death - (not released yet) - Fandom Death - Car crash Michael/Terrance Afton - Rotting man, skin suit for Animatronic Ennard and Main protagonist of FNAF 5 Sister location Death - Scooped Elizabeth Afton - Circus Baby and . 100. Rosabelle(you should know her as Clara) Afton is the name of the wife, although canonly she has no name. C.C. The Afton family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1880 and 1920. Funtime Foxy! Which animatronic does Chris possess? She is William's daughter and the sister of FNaF4 Crying Child and Michael. Answer (1 of 7): I'm responding to my question because, yes. So some details about their family 1. Fazbear Entertainment, mikzben az animatronics ramkri lapjait szkenneli, a Springtrap ramkri lapjt psztzza. Michael AftonCC Afton is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4. 400 . Let's Solve CC. This could represent that he was killed by an animatronic bear at his birthday party, but I think it's more likely that it's a clue to who he possesses. I want to give people with Pupaphobia (Fear of Puppets) a bigger reason to . Charlotte Emily, otherwise known as Charlie, is the main protagonist of the novels Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes, The Twisted Ones and the secondary protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: The Fourth Closet. Christopher afton (or simply chris) is the main protagonist of the 1997 animated film, five nights at freddy's 4 and its follow up tv show, five nights at freddy's: the golden years. Toy Animatronics: Personally, I don't see these characters as possessed (expect for the Puppet), the reason they attack you is because of their glitchy facial recognition system and their faulty night mode, so they'll attack you as well as predators. Bidybab. Elizabeth Afton, also known as Circus Baby, is the secondary antagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. answer choices . Theres this wiki fandom thing about it and I think the firs. He is the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment, alongside his business partner William Afton, and help created the technology for the animatronics . Chris Afton fanmade . It's ultimately revealed in The Fourth Closet that she was the one murdered by William Afton instead of her brother Sammy, as she first believed. Afton, whose real name is [REDACTED], is a major character in BlueyCapsules. He is the younger brother of Michael Afton and son of William Afton. . Scoops by circus baby. Chris Afton is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and the victim of the Bite of '83. It is also not comfirmed how she died. . Animatronics - They are far by the most recurring robots of the entire franchise. William Afton is the guy who killed five kids, stuffed them in suits they now possess, got killed by their revenge craving souls, possesses a now super old golden rabbit animatronic, gets put into a game and escapes becoming some glitch. Which animatronic is one of Chris Afton's nightmare? In this minigame, the player plays as the child possessing Puppet and is only capable of walking left and right. Willam created a animatronic named Circus Baby, he made her specifically for Elizabeth but wouldn't let her get close to the animatronic. answer choices . Circus baby <p>Funtime Freddy</p> alternatives . The Chris Afton is a small boy with brown hair in a black striped T-shirt and his face is always stained with tears. Robin Williams as Helpy, an animatronic panda bear that resembles Funtime Freddy from Sister Location. s cert.. Chris Afton s un personatge femen . Head bitten by fredbear Fazbear Entertainment, animatronics, Springtrap. They are the friends-turned-enemies of the Emily Family. Circus baby <p>Funtime Freddy</p> alternatives . ". Each minigame follows the days leading up to his birthday . 400 . His brother locks him in his room, pops out of various places wearing a foxy mask to terrify him, and locks him in the Parts . Scoop by the scooper. Walking right, the player will pass by several children wearing masks of unknown animatronics, and on the very far right, a crying child can be found next to a table. The animatronics are mostly created to look "life-like" in appearance to supposedly resemble actual living anthropomorphic creatures, which can be based on animals, humans, and even inanimate objects. (Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, it is 12am.) Chris Afton is the youngest child of the Aftons. Who does William Afton possess in FNAF 3? 9. Head bitten by fredbear Ballora. 15. Scoops by circus baby. What is the proper name for Nightmare Puppet? He is the younger brother of Michael Afton and the youngest son of William Afton. It is also not comfirmed how she died. Sammy is the twin brother of Charlotte and the son of Henry and Charlotte's Mother. She has . However, one of his machines, Circus Baby, attacked and killed her, and her soul possessed the animatronic . Ballora. Sammy Emily, is a minor character of the novel Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes and The Twisted Ones. Ez arra kszteti William lelket, hogy a tblhoz tapadjon. She was the daughter of William Afton, and the younger sister of Michael Afton. She also does not possess Ballora. If you are using the theory of Micheal=C.C./B.V. This incident occurred on Octobe. Chris Afton is a fan-made name for the Crying Child, the child that is bitten in the Bite of '83 and is (likely) the character you play as in Five Nights at Freddy's 4. Mrs. Afton is the mother of the Afton Family. Ballora. 2. Scoops by circus baby. I have recovered some more real footage of Freddy Fazbears for you all. Me: bruh u shouldn't be in this test if yah dont know. The crying child couldn't possess the Marionette or Golden Freddy/FredBear.Something many theorists overlook is the fact that the Marionette and Golden Freddy/FredBear are already possessed.The child murdered outside FredBear's possessed the Marionette.And in the FIVE missing children incident FIVE children died and possessed FIVE costumes Freddy Fazbear,Bonnie The Bunny,Chica The Chicken,Foxy . This time it is footage of the bite of 83. The Puppet is the playable animatronic in the Happiest Day. Funtime Freddy. Comprised of infamous serial killer William Afton and his three children (with the family's matriarch being entirely absent from the series as of current knowledge), the Aftons are a highly dysfunctional family responsible for spreading much . Are The Toy Animatronics Possessed or Not? What animatronic is Chris Afton? Phantom Animatronics: How did Chris Afton die? Michael Afton is the Crying Child's brother that has a much larger role in the series. Edit: WTF I MEAN C.C. Ok, so we know from the Afton Family Representatives that CC is represented by a Bear with a Party Hat. He is the main character in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister . Killed by purple guy. It is unknown if she possesses Ballora, but some believe Ballora represents her, by one of MatPat's theories. First off, Clara isn't Mrs. Afton's name- it's fan made and from the "Immortal And The Restless" soap opera in SL, (Sister Location.) Scoop by the scooper. In fnaf 4. he always misses mom when she died car crash when he was two years . Funtime foxy. I just now just want to address a few things. She had a deep trust in her father and a love for his creations, admiring everything he does. and The Fourth Closet. . Before his death he successfully murdered 6 children that we later found out are named Charlie, Cassidy, Fritz . 6. Sammy does not have a direct appearance in the novels. Chris Afton is a fan-made name for the Crying Child, the child that is bitten in the Bite of '83 and is (likely) the character you play as in Five Nights at Freddy's 4. . She is one of the four . Rosabelle(you should know her as Clara) Afton is the name of the wife, although canonly she has no name. I love animatronic!Michael Afton fics and he's just (gestures at Foxy) (gestures at Michael) I've actually planned out a storyline for one of my fics, for once, although I do have some paths and ideas that still need ironing out but I do intend for this fic to take us . He is the main character in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister . Which animatronic does Elizabeth Possess? Not confirmed. answer choices . Except Micheal he has an animatronic living inside of . When did Chris aka the Crying Child get bit by Fredbear? Which animatronic does Elizabeth Afton possess? Ballora. Who is Elizabeth Afton and what is fnaf? Springtrap. Clara Afton is the main antagonist of the fan-made series, FNAF: Swapped. Clara is highly theorized to be possess Ballora. Circus baby <p>Funtime Freddy</p> alternatives . The child is portrayed as a very scared and confused boy who constantly cries when his older brother frightens him. Scoop by the scooper. Killed by purple guy. In the graphic novels, Sammy is depicted as a small boy having wavy brown hair and wearing a light blue shirt, pants, and . Terrence Afton is suspected to be Micheal Afton's (from sister location) past name. Answer (1 of 19): Ok, there's a few I'd like to possess (Mainly to increase phobias) {I'm a dark human} (ALL IMAGES FROM GOOGLE) * Nightmarionne He is my favorite from the entire franchise, so this works out just fine! First off, Clara isn't Mrs. Afton's name- it's fan made and from the "Immortal And The Restless" soap opera in SL, (Sister Location.) 1987. Using the theory that Micheal=FoxyBro, if you were recognized as a murderer everywhere you went for killing your younger sibling I'm sure you would want to go unnoticed, therefore changing his name might have been his strategy. Michael Afton is in the Foxy Animatronic. She isn't confirmed to exist by Scott. If you want to see his Novel Trilogy counterpart, please visit this page. Matthew Broderick as Michael, one of the lead protagonists from Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and Sister Location, who now owns a pizzeria.He appears very depressed because of what's happened to his family and knowing his father's true motives. The Crying Child is depicted as considering his plushies, in particular, Fredbear, as his friends, and being tormented by his older brother. 1987. Next is Elizabeth Afton who died shortly after Chris. Springtrap. 300. Who is the first to attack you in Night 2? He possesses the animatronic named Shadow Freddy, this is known as the "Bite of 1983". Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie and Fritz. How does Chris Afton die? Michael Afton is The Crying Child's Older Brother. Hi folks! Michael Afton is the Crying Child's brother that has a much larger role in the series. Mrs. Afton married William Afton and had . Nobody named "Clara Afton" exists its Ms. Afton as her name is not confirmed and its also not confirmed that she posses Ballora Also it's Crying Child, not Chris until he gets a confirmed name he is Crying child and Shadow's cant be possessed. Aleshores, l'nima de William es converteix en un virus conegut com a Glitchtrap. How does Chris Afton die? Nothing is confirmed for her. What is the proper name for Nightmare Puppet? Youngsters; The All-New Muppet Show; Holly and Noel; Tyler the Tasmanian Tiger: the Series; Global Detective Force: Rise of the Vanguards; Summer with the Royals Elizabeth Afton is the middle child. 300. Who is the first to attack you in Night 2? NOTE: This article is about Henry from the video games. Clara is the unseen overarching and final antagonist of part 1, the unseen antagonist of part 2 and 3, one of the 2 overarching antagonists of part 4, the main antagonist of Brother location, after part 1, and . . . Circus Baby. Let's solve it. He seems to have a connection with his plushies, calling them . He was the only witness to the murder of Charlie Emily at the hands of . Theres this wiki fandom thing about it and I think the firs. Circus Baby was created for her by her father, William Afton. Funtime foxy. Killed by purple guy. She is a unknown character and no-one knows her name. Gabby Williams. She also does not possess Ballora. They're all dead and possess animatronics 2. Who does William Afton possess in FNAF 3? He was bullied by his older brother for being afraid of the animatronics. He is the youngest child of William Afton, and the younger brother of Michael and Elizabeth Afton. He is the victim of the nightmare animatronics. Purple Bear Dude. His theory states that William may have built Ballora in his perspective of Mrs. Afton and Ballora's song. Golden Freddy. He is the son of William Afton, and older brother of Elizabeth Afton. Okay, so I have two links and pictures that benefit why I think they are. Their mom is Clara Afton and she is married to William Afton. William Afton - Spring trap, Scarp trap, Purple guy, Man behind the Slaughter Death - Spring lock failure in Spring bonnie suit. William was killed by attempting to hide in the spring lock suit Spring Bonnie, but died shortly after by the spring locks closing. Clara's name isnt even Clara, its just a theory name for her based off Clara from the show. Michael Afton (also known as Mike Schmidt and Eggs Benedict) is the main protagonist of the Five Nights at Freddy's game series. chris afton (crying child from fnaf 4): -chris afton is the youngest one he always got bullied by his brother and his friends,the on;y person that always support him was his older twin sister elizabeth,he was known looking he's younger then his twin look like younger then him. And finally the last child of the Aftons is Micheal Afton. Nothing is confirmed for her. . (Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, it is 12am.) He is alive. Daddy isn't watching. 400. answer choices . Michael Afton. then you are probably referencing . When did Chris aka the Crying Child get bit by Fredbear? answer choices . Now, the questions with "Chris" and "Clara" are wrong. Which animatronic does Elizabeth Afton possess? What are the names of the children's souls that possess animatronics? Funtime Freddy. Edit: *Inhales* *Exhales* WHY STEREOTYPICAL AUs I MEAN C.C. "Elizabeth Afton" (also known as Willam Afton's Daughter) is a minor but pivotal character in Sister Location. Bidybab. Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie and Fritz. Ok, Im just fed up with the mystery of who CC possesses. How does Chris Afton die? Plot Cast. They are designed with movable limbs, voice boxes, and covered . It is often believed that Mike is the Older Brother, though many fans still believe he could be The Crying Child . Answer (1 of 7): I'm responding to my question because, yes. William Afton / Springtrap / Purple Guy / Scraptrap / Glitchtrap William Afton is the father of the Afton family and been confirmed to be the Purple Guy. Gabby Williams. Sensitive and timid with an intense fear of animatronics, he was an easy target for his asshole older brother and spoke exclusively in emojis. The Afton Family is the main antagonistic faction in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. . The pic (its also kinda a hint) Golden Freddy. Chris Afton egy rajong ltal ksztett karakter, s Michael a sr gyerek": fnaftheories. What are the names of the children's souls that possess animatronics? answer choices . Are The Toy Animatronics Possessed or Not? Now, the questions with "Chris" and "Clara" are wrong. Aix fa que l'nima de William s'uneixi al tauler.
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what animatronic is chris afton possess