. Wyoming Indian Elementary School Hours: 7:00am - 4:00pm (307) 332-2053. More details. Email Corrine Dodd. Staff. 626 West 25th Ave Torrington, WY 82240. read more. WY 82426 Phone: (307) 765-4756 Follow us on Facebook; The Wright Place Middle School 500 Lewis St Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307-672-9745 Fax: 307-939-7091 Hours: 8:20-3:30 Principal: Christy Spielman Assistant Principal: Ryan Fuhrman Compare to similar schools and find nearby homes for sale on Trulia. Worland Middle School; Elementary School. To contact Wy'east Middle School staff, please call 541-354-1548, and enter the extension, or click on the email link below. School Supply List; Staff" Aids for Teachers & Staff; Staff Directory; Board of Education" Elected Officials; Tentative BOE Schedule; Board of Education Agendas . 17 Wyoming Avenue Wyoming , OH 45215 Phone: 513-206-7170. Clear. 17 Wyoming Avenue Wyoming , OH 45215 Phone: 513-206-7170. Our sixth through eighth grade students live in Powell, Wyoming, Please take some time to get to know our school and our staff members. 1900 Howell Avenue Worland, WY 82401 Phone: 307-347-9286 Fax: 307-347-8116. Wy'east students explore, practice, and apply skills in preparation for collaborative, real-wolrd problem solving. Middle College; Wyoming Team 21; English Learner; Volunteering; News / Events. Click Here. Lander Middle School Send Email. Greybull Middle School » Staff Staff. 5-8. Search. Follow us on Facebook; 100 Wexford Street SE, Wyoming, MI 49548 Phone: 616.252.2070 Fax: 616.252.2075 . 615 Rodeo St, Rawlins Wyoming . Middle School Welcome Welcome to Powell Middle School, home of the Cubs! 8. Log In. 82604 307-253-2700 Athletics/Activities Schedule Cody Middle School 2901 Cougar Avenue Cody, WY 82414 Phone: (307) 587.4273 Fax: (307) 587.3547. Infinite Campus; . CMS Login ADA Link. BIC members serve two-year terms. The notice shall include a reference to the person and the address and telephone number of the staff member designated to coordinate civil rights compliance. Recently (mid-May), the Wyoming Valley West School District had nine (9) students present projects for the state meeting of the PA Junior Academy of Science. Phone: 860.496.4050/ Fax: 860.496.1089 . Email Lori Kilgore. Peter Nichols Language Arts Teacher Send Email. Send Email. Office. What's the most important thing to look for in the staff at a school? Midland Elementary 510 3rd Avenue North PO Box F Oxford Junction, IA 52323 Fax: 563-826-2681 Grades: PS-5. CMS Login ADA Link. 2021-2022 Adjusted Calendar - Adopted 9/8/21 . Home; Academics . Home; District . (307)335-7318 Ethete, WY Middle School Pages Staff Directory. PowerSchool Parents; Required Postings. 2021 - 2022 School Calendar; 2021 - 2022 Calendario en Espanol; 2022 - 2023 School Calendar; 2022 - 2023 Calendario en Espanol; School Events Title IX Information . WY 82443 Phone: (307) 864-6551 . WY 83110. cwipplinger@bgh3.k12.wy.us. Sources. Students with last name H-M. (307) 764-6181. Wy'east Middle School is a vibrant community challenging all students to reach their highest potential for growth in every aspect of development. Home; Academics . Home; Academics . SHS Orchestra Concert. Nate Parson. I am very excited to start my role as the new principal of Lander Middle School, and the staff is also very excited to kick off the school year. 615 Rodeo St, Rawlins Wyoming 82301 (307) 328-9200. or the Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, U.S. Department of Education. HIGH SCHOOL; WRIGHT PLACE MIDDLE SCHOOL; HENRY A. COFFEEN ELEMENTARY; HIGHLAND PARK ELEMENTARY; MEADOWLARK ELEMENTARY; SAGEBRUSH . _____ Department of Justice Bullying Prevention and School Crime . For purposes of this School District, that person shall be the Superintendent or Title IX/504/Communications Coordinator creynolds@tcsd.org at 307-733-2704 or PO Box 568, Jackson WY 83001 Home; Academics . From the School. Sheridan High School, 1056 Long Dr, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA. Map - (307)332-2992/Fax No. Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Teachers: 7:10 AM - 2:40 PM . ADVERTISEMENT Neighborhood. Staff, parents, and community members strive to lead by example to ensure that Wy . Our school is near the base of the Wind River Mountain Range in the community of Ethete. Wy 82717-3033. Staff Web Mail; Student Enrollment; Transparency Report; ParentVUE - StudentVUE . Course Scheduling for 6th Grade Families; Curriculum Guide; Music Choices When Planning for 5th Grade; . Email Jennifer Johnson. Lynn Forcella GHS Librarian. Godfrey-Lee Public Schools 1324 Burton Street SW Wyoming, MI 49509 Phone (616) 241-4722 Fax (616) 241-4707. Name. Carbon County School District 1 Civil Rights Coordinator. Lee Middle School Staff. Sheridan County School District #1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment of employment in, its educational programs or activities. We've been working very hard to ensure that the first day of school will be an awesome experience for you and your students. Building. James Jensen. Staff Directory Staff Directory . Send Email. . Administration Mr. Burch Principal stburch@lcsd2.org 885-5208, 887-2015 Mr. Haderlie Assistant Principal fhaderlie@lcsd2.org 885-5208, 248-1433 Office Staff Specialists & Support Administration Weston Co School District 1 is located in Newcastle, WY. 10. Staff Resources; Links; Forms; Close Navigation; Washakie County School District # 1 . Find Us . STUDENTS AND STAFF THAT TEST POSITIVE FOR COVID-19: . Bond Information; Full Calendar; WHS Student News; School News Network; Athletics. Public School Works; Staff Email; Staff Handbook; Summer School Applications 2022; . Address. abell@bgh3.k12.wy.us. Wyoming Elementary School Home. Questionnaires were sent to CMC coordinators/directors and college executives at 103 selected institutions that prepare elementary, middle, and secondary school teacher candidates in 19 states . Come join the Belonging & Inclusion Collaborative (BIC)! 615 Rodeo St, Rawlins Wyoming . Wyoming Athletics Page; Wyoming Youth Sports; Info / Resources. Building. WY'EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL STAFF : Click on name for webpage : OFFICE STAFF : EXTENSION: EMAIL Sarah Braman-Smith. Lingle-Ft. Laramie Middle School located in Lingle, Wyoming - WY. Course Scheduling for 6th Grade Families; Curriculum Guide; Music Choices When Planning for 5th Grade; 404 3rd Street . . 116 Casper Ave., Newcastle, WY 82701 Phone: (307) 746-2746. Lori Kilgore Middle School/High School Kitchen Assistant. Wyoming Virtual Academy (WYVA) is a full-time online public school for K-12 students. . Wyoming City Schools. Peter Nichols Language Arts Teacher Send Email. School Improvement; Staff Directory; Search. TEACHING STAFF Bilski, Steve - 5th Grade Teacher Bing, Rebecca- 6th Grade Teacher Bliss, Marissa - EL Teacher Bolema, Sarah - CI Teacher Brunet, Brad- PE Teacher Middle School. Midland Middle/High School 106 West Webster St. Bond Information; Full Calendar; WHS Student News; School News Network; Athletics. This study investigated curriculum media centers (CMCs), i.e., centers that provide print and non-print materials, equipment, and support services to faculty and students in teacher education programs. Fax Number Thermopolis Middle School Main Menu Toggle. Logan Burningham Middle School Teacher. Wyoming Indian Middle School Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm (307) 332-2992. Log In . Principal: 4890 sarah.bramansmith@hoodriver.k12.or.us. Wyoming City Schools Wyoming Fax Number. CINCINNATI (WXIX) - A student is facing criminal charges after a middle school received an alleged threat of violence. . . "Focusing on our school and district strategic plans, we emphasize high expectations for student learning; we engage students in 21st . Together with a team of office and support staff members, we create a positive environment that nurtures creativity and inspires learning. Log In. As part of Park County School District #1, we are driven by excellence and dedicated to serving your children in education. WY 82426 Phone: (307) 765-4756 We're dedicated to inspiring and empowering students through an education experience tailored to each child's needs. Principal. Skip to main content. Veronica Karhu. Title IX Information ; Schools . 420 Springfield Pike Wyoming, OH 45215 Phone: 513-206-7000 Fax: 513-672-3355 . This meeting was held on the main campus of Penn State University. School Wyoming Middle School Wyoming Primary Schools. Carbon County School District 1 Civil Rights Coordinator. Future School Calendars; GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Healthy Schools; Home School Form; . Lander Middle School Send Email. . The goal is for all students to score at or above the proficient . Phone (302)698-4800. Postlethwait Middle School Hours. Administration Kyle Rohrer Principal Send Email Chanler Buck Assistant Principal/Activities Director Send Email Suzanne Patterson Administrative Assistant Send Email Tracey Peterson Administrative Assistant 1158. . . 307-885-5208. Staff - Rawlins Middle School. Phone: Central Office: (307) 532-2171 Bus Garage: (307) 532-2542 . Laramie Middle School PE / Adaptive PE Teacher . Parent / Student Vue; Enrollment; Calendar; MS Distance Learning Site; Upcoming Events. The BIC, made up of volunteer Wyoming City Schools parents and caregivers, district staff, and Board of Education members, works to foster an equitable and inclusion culture and cultivate a sense of belonging for all members of our Wyoming school community. Park County School District 6 ; Midland Elementary 510 3rd Avenue North PO Box F Oxford Junction, IA 52323 Fax: 563-826-2681 Grades: PS-5. Wyoming Middle School. ENVIRONMENT. Announcements. School Support Staff Counseling Fine Arts School Nurse Technology Math GATE Media Exploratory SPED . Read More. I am excited and honored to welcome each and every one of you to the beginning of a new school year at Worland Middle School. lculwell@bgh3.k12.wy.us. December 1, 2022. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Powered by Edlio. Staff" Past Employees of the Year; Per Diem Rates and Guidelines; PowerSchool Substitute Teachers; . 17 Wyoming Avenue Wyoming , OH 45215 Phone: 513-206-7170. West Side Elementary School ; . . Who's Who at Torrington Middle School. Address: 2900 Cyclone Drive, Casper, 82604. Erica Parker Instructional Facilitator . Her support of students, teachers, staff, and the community will continue to echo in the halls of our schools for many years to come. Follow us on Facebook; Follow us on Twitter; Follow us on LinkedIn; Follow us on . Office. Wyoming City Schools Superintendent Tim Weber says that the. Lee Middle School Staff. Staff; Address And Phone. Bids to replace carpets Posted On: Monday, May 23, 2022. School Wyoming Middle School Wyoming Primary Schools. Lee Middle School 1335 Lee Street, SW Wyoming, MI 49509 Phone (616) 452-3296 Fax (616) 241-4677. Find Us . Corrine Dodd Middle School/High School Kitchen Assistant. STAR VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL. . Weston County School District #1. Course Scheduling for 6th Grade Families; Curriculum Guide; Music Choices When Planning for 5th Grade; . For purposes of this School District, that person shall be the Superintendent or Title IX/504/Communications Coordinator creynolds@tcsd.org at 307-733-2704 or PO Box 568, Jackson WY 83001 If this is outside of school hours, and is an emergency, please utilize one of these community resources. Click on title for more information. Albany County School District #1 - Albany County School District #1 . Jennifer Johnson Middle School/High School Kitchen Assistant. WCS Elementary School; WCS Middle School; VADIR; Wyoming Central School Library; DASA; S.A.T. Phone: 307-347-3233 Fax: 307-347-3710 . CY Middle School. CY Middle School 2900 Cyclone Drive Casper, WY. Wyoming Middle School. Click for complete info. lburningham@bgh3.k12.wy.us. Welcome to Lander Middle School! Carbon County School District 1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or religion in its programs or activities. (KCTV/Gray News) - An AR-15 rifle will no longer be raffled off at a school benefit in Missouri following the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas that killed 19 students and two teachers.The raffle was to be held on June 9 as a part of the annual golf tournament that benefits the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program at Belton schools, sponsored by the . LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #2. Wyoming Middle School. Administrative Assistant to the Principal. West Side Elementary School ; . Sources. Main Menu Toggle. Title: Superintendent. . Address: P.O. Middle School. Phone: 307 468-2461. Search for people on this page. To see a listing of all staff please click on submit. School Wyoming Middle School Wyoming Primary Schools Wyoming City Schools. 1335 Lee Street, SW Wyoming, MI 49509 Phone: (616) 452-3296 Fax: (616) 241-4677. . Email Us Site Map. Wyoming Indian Middle School believes in instilling Honor, Pride, and Tradition in our students while supporting them academically, culturally, and athletically. Wyoming Athletics Page; Wyoming Youth Sports; Info / Resources. Teacher and Staff. expand mobile navigation. Applied Arts Calendar; Grants . Board of Trustees and Superintendent Meet on Budget and Health Insurance Topics . Please click here for the Complete Staff Directory. - Your Student Assistance Team . Phone Number 307-885-5208. There are many ways an LMS Counselor can be helpful during your school day. . Support Staff/Teaching Assistant . Title IX Information . Phone (307) 332-4711 . < View all schools in Wyoming City School District. 2020 Elected Board Members Sworn In Email Us Site Map. Phone: (307) 253-2700. Goshen County. Lee Middle School 1335 Lee Street, SW Wyoming, MI 49509 Phone (616) 452-3296 Fax (616) 241-4677. Select Departments . Luke Culwell Math Teacher. Math. Staff Resources Pages. James Jensen Lee Middle School. Box 470, Upton, WY 82730 Toggle Sub Navigation. Find Lingle-Ft. Laramie Middle School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. It's time for the spring concerts of 2022 starting with: Burns Elementary, April 28th- Kindergarten - 3rd grade at 6:30 pm; Albin Elementary, May 5 at 6:30 pm; Burns & Pine Bluffs High School, May 10th at 7pm; Pine Bluffs Elementary, May 12, at 6:30 pm; Carpenter Elementary, May 16th at 5:30 pm. To see a listing of all staff please click on submit. Wyoming City Schools Superintendent Tim Weber said that the threat was . You also have the right to request information about paraprofessionals if any are providing services to your child, and what their qualifications are. Middle School Staff Directory; Godwin Heights Middle School Home. Midland Middle/High School 106 West Webster St. Lee Middle School. About. Cody Middle School 2901 Cougar Avenue Cody, WY 82414 Phone: (307) 587.4273 Fax: (307) 587.3547. Sheridan County School District #1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment of employment in, its educational programs or activities. **She has presented at the recent 2020 PEAK/ WySCA virtual conference about "Counseling Groups: The Power of Connection." safe2tellwy.org - Phone: 844-996-7231. To see a listing of all staff please click on submit. As a staff, we are here to support all our students, and to ensure they reach their fullest academic potential. Skip To Main Content. CMS Login ADA Link. Assistant Principals: Randall Bower and Brent Jurgensen. Students. Position. . School Nurse. Office Phone. Wyoming Indian Middle School (307) 332-2992 . The notice shall include a reference to the person and the address and telephone number of the staff member designated to coordinate civil rights compliance. School Counselor. Follow Us Wyoming Indian High School (307) 332-976. Vice Principal Email Rees Ready 307-864-6551. Aubrey Roybal Special Education Teacher. 609. Laramie High School Mock Trial Represents at the Highest Level . ONLINE PORTALS CALENDARS STAFF DIRECTORY TEST SCORES ESSA REPORT CARDS CONTACT. Inquiries concerning Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and ADA may be referred to: Tanya Wall. Course Scheduling for 6th Grade Families; Curriculum Guide; Music Choices When Planning for 5th Grade; . Wyoming Indian Middle School Date Available: 2022-2023 School Year Closing Date: 04/29/2022*This position is funded by ARP/ESSER funds through 2024* Attachment(s): Teaching Assistant; Fremont County School District 14. Wy 82717-3033. ABOUT OUR SCHOOL. . Carbon County School District 1 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or religion in its programs or activities. Fremont #14 Communication Plan; Staff Links; Todd Ghormley . Laramie County School District #2 is requesting bids to replace existing carpeting at Carpenter Elementary school in Carpenter, WY. 535 Ethete Road Phone No. 638 Blue Sky Hwy. WY • 82520. WY 82401 Phone: 307-347-9286 Fax: 307-347-8116. . Staff Directory; Wyoming High School's Class of 2021. In 2018-19, Wyoming administered the Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress (WY-TOPP).The WY-TOPP is a system of online assessments that are given to students in grades 3-10 in English language arts and mathematics, and given to students in grades 4, 8, and 10 in science. Type . Cody Middle School 2901 Cougar Avenue Cody, WY 82414 Phone: (307) 587.4273 Fax: (307) 587.3547. Carolyn has worked for 22 years as a Wyoming school counselor and is currently a counselor at **Pinedale Middle School. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Middle school boys' and girls' basketball coach, and a Middle school wrestling coach for the 2022-2023 school year. Fax: 307-682-6619. Middle College; Wyoming Team 21; English Learner; Volunteering; News / Events. Find Schools and see parent ratings and reviews, state test scores, student-teacher ratios, academic programs and resources. Erica Parker Instructional Facilitator . 2 reviews. School Website. Alexis Frazier Elementary Teacher. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Wyoming Elementary School 55 Myrtle Avenue, Millburn, NJ 07041 Phone: 973-761-1619. HOURS: M-Th: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; F: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. | TITLE IX Scott James, Coordinator 1948 Grand Avenue Laramie, WY 82070 (307) 721-4445 If calling from within district, extension 54445 Email: title9@acsd1.org | ACSD#1 shall not discriminate in any manner because of race, color, creed . Let us know if you'd like to visit. Name: Clark Coberly. Torrington Middle School » Staff Directory. Home of the Fighting Wolverines Links. School: Weston County School District #7. School News. . Phone (307) 332-4711 . The Wright Place Middle School 500 Lewis St Sheridan, WY 82801 Phone: 307-672-9745 Fax: 307-939-7091 Hours: 8:20-3:30 Principal: Christy Spielman Assistant Principal: Ryan Fuhrman . 2150 Howell . Youth Art Month Celebration . School Improvement Plan; Community Core Values; Principal; Assistant Principal; Departments. Staff Directory; Staff Portal; Work Order; Athletics" Schedules; Calendar; . Grades. Inquiries concerning Title IV, Title IX, Section 504, and ADA may be referred to Converse County School District #2, Director of Special Education/Student Support Services, Civil Rights Coordinator, 120 Boxelder Trail, Glenrock, Wyoming 82637-1300, or (307) 436-5331 or the Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, United States Department of . 1900 Howell Avenue Worland, WY 82401 Together with a team of office and support staff members, we create a positive environment that nurtures creativity and inspires learning. Principal: Amy Rose. Laramie Middle School Named National Showcase School. read more. Rees Ready TMS Office Staff.
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wyoming middle school staff