Unlock all answers Please join to get access. In the next stage of the journey, Montag encounters numerous trials and challenges that lead to his metamorphosis. Montag grabbed the brass pole with one hand He was trembling and his face was green-white. givenchy l'interdit rouge dupe. Now that Montag has the push he required, he can embark on his journey for selfhood. It sounds much more relaxed that it did before. 9. Describe the Mechanical Hound. 10. Summary. HOME; OUR BEERS; EVENTS; nature of teaching profession Clarisse says, I havent any friends. They contain great truths about our world. Wiki User. 8. Fahrenheit 451: Fahrenheit 451 was written by Ray Bradbury, author of The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man. The Hound injects a poison into their victim which incapacitates them. Yet the Mechanical Hound threatens Montag. Why does the mechanical hound growl and threaten Montag? HOME; OUR BEERS; EVENTS; nature of teaching profession Its victim is then tossed into the incinerator. Crossing the Threshold. Montag worries that someone may have set the Hound to react to him this way, suggesting that he perhaps has an enemy in the fire station. On his way to work, Montag again encounters Clarisse and is left pondering things like the taste of rain and what dandelions represent. Why does society consider Clarisse . ;other teens are jumping around, beating up on one anotherthings that she is not interested in doing. question. The return. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor FAHRENHEIT 451. by Ray Bradbury PART I. 17. Now that Montag has the push he required, he can embark on his journey for selfhood. Why does it bother Montag that the Hound growls at him? A.) 9. The hound seems like it is going after Montag. answer (he is almost completely the new Montag now) question. It growls and tried to attack him: How did Montag escape the Hound and get to the upper level of the firehouse? Montag, though frustrated and confused about what happened the previous night, heads off to work. Clarisse says, I havent any friends. Below, the Hound had sunk back down(Bradbury 26). What does she do that keeps people her own age from relating to her? 10. It growls. montag is unnerved when the hound growls at him . what does mildred say when montag tells her about the old woman when they burned her books what made mildred this way. As the population of the world increased, the need for the industry to appeal to the masses books are cut shorter, condensed. The mechanical hound attempts to attack Montag when he touches its muzzle. He does this by burning him with his flamethrower. question. Marriage with Mildred is like acquaintances. The Mechanical Hound growling at Montag foreshadows the pursuit of him by the Hounds later in the novel. Character Analysis The Mechanical Hound. In Fahrenheit 451, why does the mechanical hound growl and threaten Montag? He stepped off in the half-lit deck of the upper level. . 8. Montag backed up. Clarisse says, "I haven't any friends. It smells books: What do the firemen bet on dull nights? Thats supposed to prove Im abnormal (p. 27). In the book "Fahrenheit 451", on what page does Montag ask the question at the card game? Montag tells Captain Beatty what happened and suggests that someone may have set the Hound to react to him like that, since it has threatened him twice before. Quote: White blurs are houses. What do you think this implies about either Montag or a potential enemy? It's one of the firemen's terrible weapons, but it's supposed to be without personality or motivea machine that attacks only what it is programmed to attack. Montag touches the Mechanical Hound, and it growls at him and threatens him. The Mechanical Hound Montag reaches down to touch the mechanical hound at the fire station but it growls at him. givenchy l'interdit rouge dupe. He gets to work, where he finds the Mechanical hound. She watches people; "I'm very social." That's supposed to prove I'm abnormal." Also, the dog is supisous of Montag. Why does the mechanical hound growl and threaten Montag? Guy Montag. The return. What happens when Montag touches the muzzle? There is a list of a million forbidden books (p. 31) on the firehouse wall. The Mechanical Hound's unfortunate victims die by a needle filled with morphine or procaine that is located in the Hound's snout. Sega unleashed its newest creation in Tokyo; a robotic dog called idog that can compose, play and dance to music. Why does Montag believe the mechanical hound growls and threatens him? answer-when he went into the river and came out the other side. Mechanical Hound in Fahrenheit 451. The hound did not like Montag and every time Montag got near him, he would growl. He was trembling and his face was green-white. The first time he uses it is when Montag is standing in the hallway of his house, talking to his wife, Mildred, about how she overdosed on sleeping pills. "Montag touched the muzzle. . The Hound growled. Montag jumped back. The Hound half rose in its kennel and looked at him with green-blue neon light flickering in its suddenly activated eyebulbs. Why is Montag so nervous around the mechanical dog? Subjects include sports, transcription history and painting. Early in the novel the mechanical Hound growls at Montag on two occasions inciting great fear in him. Analysis: Clarisse tells Montag about her strange family, the one that actually converses with each other and enjoys nature. The mechanical hound begins to growl at Montag. School is only for indoctrinating the students; they never have to think for themselves. 10. Montag wonders aloud what the Hound thinks about and pities it when Beatty replies that it thinks only Subjects include sports, transcription history and painting. Is Clarisse abnormal? The government uses the hounds to hunt down and kill those who have disobeyed the laws of the community. There is a list of a million forbidden books (p. 31) on the firehouse wall. The Hound growls and threatens Montag, which makes him think that someone at the The alarm went off and Montag ran off to burn books. This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 6 pages. The Mechanical Hound attacks Montag, and Montag destroys it with the flamethrower, but not before it stabs him with a needle full of anesthetic. He does this by burning him with his flamethrower. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. question. Initially, Montag feels "fascinated" with the Mechanical Hound because it is neither dead nor alive. The mascot is a mechanical hound used to smell out its victims, purpose is to hunt down and kill fugitives who have violated the law of society. "Montag touched the muzzle. Montag tries to escape, but before he can the Mechanical Hound appears and stabs Montag in the leg before he has a chance to kill it with the flamethrower. The Mechanical Hound growling at Montag foreshadows the pursuit of him by the Hounds later in the novel. What does she do that keeps people her own age from relating to her? Is Clarisse abnormal? Since Montag has broken the law, he feels threatened by the hound. Crossing the Threshold. The Mechanical Hound possesses a stinger, which contains a sedative of procaine or morphine. question. List three things Beatty talks about in his speech to Montag that are true about our world. Now Montag begins to wonder if the Hound is catching on to his individualistic behavior. In Part One, for example, he calls it "the dead beast, the living beast." He went up the pole CoNLL17 Skipgram Terms - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. Montag reaches down to touch the Mechanical Hound in the fire station, and it growls at him and threatens him. When the hound finds its victim, a four-inch hollow steel needle plunges down from its proboscis and injects jolts of morphine or procaine into the criminal. Clarisse says, I havent any friends. Beatty is suspicious of Montag when Montag starts asking questions about the origins of firemen. 12. Technically, the Hound should not be able to exhibit aggression toward Montag, since it would have to be specifically programmed to do so. See answer (1) Best Answer. 25. The novels ending depicts the inevitable self-destruction of such an oppressive society. In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit It injects its prey with a lethal chemical once it catches it. The Hound took a step from its kennel. 9. They contain great truths about our world. wigan vs wimbledon prediction how does the hound react to montag Posted on April 23, 2022 April 23, 2022 9. A.) 18. Add Yours. The firemen, the storm troopers, and the Mechanical Hound are used to monitor people throughout the city. Near the end of the book Montag is struggling with the idea of finally escaping the punishment of having books and where everybody is anti social, by getting scared of a deer, and still thinking that the mechanical hound is after him even though he just escaped to the river. The Mechanical Hound is one of the more chilling parts of the world of Fahrenheit 451. List three things Beatty talks about in his speech to Montag that are true about our world. Montag backed up. Montag runs off, but returns for the few books that he stashed in the backyard earlier. Once Montag does this, the authorities come for him. Also, the dog is supisous of Montag. answer. 500. In order to protect Faber, Montag shoots Beatty with the flamethrower, engulfing him in flames. It is not a real dog; it is mechanical and has been programmed to hunt certain sets of DNA, like rats and cats. It doesnt like him. question. Montag grabbed the brass pole with one hand He was trembling and his face was green-white. Before this, a mechanical hound used at the fire station to hunt down people using books growls at Montag and seems to want to attack him. 2009-11-24 04:08:01. Now that hes in the country, Montag has the leisure to think for himself for the first time in his life. It has a vicious will that is more than simply mechanical. It sounds much more relaxed that it did before. The Hound took a step from its kennel. It has 8 legs and a large need,e that it can kill stuff with. Montag is a fireman, and in the 24th century, firemen burn down houses where illegal books are kept. These technologies are key in understanding one the main themes in the novel, the idea that technology creates dystopia. At school, the students are kept busy and just listen and copy down answers. Answer (1 of 3): In short, the hound scares Montag because its a tool that is used to find and subdue people who break the law. It is a vicious robotic dog that sniffs out books. Answered by jill d #170087 5 years ago 12/7/2016 2:28 PM. he tells the captain about this and the captain says that someone could have set the Hound to react to him like that, since it happened to him before. The hound growls at Montag. -captain beady, Mildred, Mechanical hound. Its victim is then tossed into the incinerator. Tall, dark hair, shaved face, almost blue singed by flames. or cats the Hound could kill first, or how fast he can catch them. They release the Mechanical Hound to kill him. In Fahrenheit 451, the theme that change is hard to accept is shown. Whenever Montag gets close to the Mechanical Hound, it growls and behaves as if it is going to catch him. The growl simmered in the beast and it looked at him. Describe the Mechanical Hound. 17. Copy. What is the Hounds friendly counterpart in traditional firefighter history? UNK the , . question. When at work, the Mechanical Hound growls at Montag because it detects his changing conscious. Page: 2 of 3. See Page 1. A line from the novel Fahrenheit 451 describes how the Mechanical Hound is. How many small animals the Hound can kill: What happens when Montag touches the muzzle of the Mechanical Hound? Whenever Montag gets close to the Mechanical Hound, it growls and behaves as if it is going to catch him. Montag jumped back. When Montag greets the Mechanical Hound, it responds by growling at him. This is an unusual response, given that Montag is a fireman and that the Mechanical Hound is a tool of his trade. Moreover, the Hound is designed to obey, as Captain Beatty comments: It doesn't like or dislike. It just functions. There is a list of a million forbidden books (p. 31) on the firehouse wall. The pole, reacting, slid upward, and took him through the ceiling, quietly. Montag tries to escape, but before he can the Mechanical Hound appears and stabs Montag in the leg before he has a chance to kill it with the flamethrower. When Montag returns to work the next day, he touches the Mechanical Hound and hears a growl. Summary. What is the hound's reaction to Montag? The Transformation. Is Clarisse abnormal? 9. Explain a school day in the world of Fahrenheit 451. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN. When Montag greets the Mechanical Hound, it responds by growling at him. View full document. When at work, the Mechanical Hound growls at Montag because it detects his changing conscious. Once Montag does this, the authorities come for him. The hound possesses a stinger, which contains a sedative of cocaine or morphine. Below, the Hound had sunk back down(Bradbury 26). The hound is a life-like piece of technology that sniffs out illegal books, hunts down criminals, and incapacitates criminals with its needle, that extends from its nose, filled with procaine or morphine. At the beginning of the novel, the Mechanical Hound unexpectedly growls at Montag, and this encounter foreshadows the chase at the novels end. substancial - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. The mechanical hound is a metal dog that can smell books. In the book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury uses numerous examples of foreshadowing. In the next stage of the journey, Montag encounters numerous trials and challenges that lead to his metamorphosis. When the hound finds its victim, a four-inch hollow steel needle plunges down from its proboscis and injects jolts of morphine or procaine into the criminal. The hound growls and tries to attack Montag several times. She is peculiar in her society but not so much in ours. In the book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury uses numerous examples of foreshadowing. 8. Part One: The Hearth and the Salamander. . Page 24 in the Paperback, in the hardback I would guess maybe 25 or 26. When the hound finds its victim, a four-inch hollow steel needle plunges down from its proboscis and injects jolts of morphine or procaine into the criminal. Read pages 55-62 very carefully. This answer is: Helpful ( 0) Montag runs off, but returns for the few books that he stashed in the backyard earlier. Montag backed up. Why does the mechanical hound growl and threaten Montag? it sleeps outside his door at night. What does she do that keeps people her own age from relating to her? This is an unusual response, given that Montag is a fireman and that the He is The hound did growl, but I think he knows he is changing and the hound sees him as a threat now. of and in " a to was is ) ( for as on by he with 's that at from his it an were are which this also be has or : had first one their its new after but who not they have The growl simmered in the beast and it looked at him. When Montage started questioning the society the hound in the firehouse began to threaten him, growling like he knew all of Montags secrets. My uncle drove slowly on a highway once. Read pages 55-62 very carefully. Summary: Set in the 24th century, Fahrenheit 451 opens with Guy Montag, the protagonist, in the middle of a regular night at work. answer (he is almost completely the new Montag now) question. The Hound has a special dislike for Montag. 22 terms. In "Fahrenheit 451", Montag believes the mechanical hound has been reprogrammed by Captain Beatty to pick up his chemical smell and attack him. These hounds were programmed to find and take out their target by injecting them with Morphine. When is there technology in Fahrenheit 451? The hound did growl, but I think he knows he is changing and the hound sees him as a threat now. As time persists, Montag begins to collect books and hide them, and soon Captain Beatty of the fire station has supsicions about Montag. He is a fireman because his grandfather and father were firemen. At school, the students are kept busy and just listen and copy down answers. They release the Mechanical Hound to kill him. The Hound half rose in its kennel and looked at him with green-blue neon light flickering in its suddenly actvivated eye bulbs. Early in the novel the mechanical hound growls at Montag. The Mechanical Hounds chase At the beginning of the novel, the Mechanical Hound unexpectedly growls at Montag, and this encounter foreshadows the chase at the novels end. He enters the fire station and immediately encounters the Mechanical Hound, who actually growls at him. The Hearth and the Salamander. Yet the Mechanical Hound threatens Montag. The first time he uses it is when Montag is standing in the hallway of his house, talking to his wife, Mildred, about how she overdosed on sleeping pills. Its victim is then tossed into the incinerator. Thats supposed to prove Im abnormal (p. 27). It also hunts illegal books or anything else that the state deems necessary.

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