Laurene Powell Jobs will be the 2021 commencement speaker at the University of Pennsylvania. First, there will be a OneMIT ceremony on Friday morning (May 27, 2022) in Killian Court for all graduates. The GSD will also welcome back graduates from 2020 and 2021 for an in-person class celebration. Among this cohort are 23 MIT alumni and six world leaders. Commencement 2021. I am delighted that Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has accepted the invitation to serve as our 2022 Commencement Speaker, says James Poterba, the Mitsui Professor of Economics and the chair of the Commencement Committee. The list of speakers includes President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan SM '72, 21 MIT alumni, and 11 MIT presidents. Commencement Archive Speakers Speakers Speakers 2022 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization 2021 Bryan Stevenson, Founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative 2020 William H. McRaven, US Navy Admiral, Retired, and Chancellor, University of Texas System 20152018 When council members Tulane University. Dropbox founder Drew Houston%2C 30%2C becomes the youngest speaker ever at an MIT commencement. Search over 350 speeches by name, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Commencement speaker will address this gathering, the president will deliver a charge to the graduates, and there will be the traditional turning of the class ring. To the members of the MIT community, I write to share our plans for this years Commencement and Reunions, including our Commencement speaker. Degree conferral en masse. Honoring graduates of masters and doctoral programs in the MIT School of Engineering and Schwarzman College of Computing. As a commencement keynote speaker, h e has a passion of communicating his message of truth, justice, and love to diverse audiences. Go to to experience the day through MIT social media accounts. The Commencement party kit includes downloadable party decorations, Zoom backgrounds, music, a discount code to the COOP to purchase MIT swag, and more, courtesy of the MIT Alumni Association. May 2022 Commencement Weekend May 27 29, 2022. Entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg was invited by MIT. The current proposal for Commencement changes, the One-MIT+Schools proposal would split Commencement into two distinct periods. Georgetown announces speakers for the universitys 2018 Commencement ceremonies May 17-20. List of Speakers Friday, May 29, 2020: Bachelors and Masters candidates will receive their diplomas at the Commencement Exercises in Killian Congratulations, graduates! The InfiniteMIT site is a collection of videos that create a vivid portrait of an institution that is continually changing the way we live and work. Department of Urban Studies and Planning April 30, 2011. MIT alumna Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director-general of the World Trade Organization, delivered the Commencement address. 10 am 11:30 am; doors open at 8 am. Thursday, May 28, 2020: Doctoral degree candidates will receive their diplomas and hoods at a morning ceremony in Killian Court.No tickets will be required. Transcript of Keynote Speech. T he address should be 3-5 minutes in length, which translates to approximately 400-650 words or 2-3 double-spaced, typed pages. University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. Open House. The list of speakers includes President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan SM '72, 12 alumni, and 11 MIT presidents. Department of Architecture Masters recipients Doctoral recipients Investiture by Nicholas de Monchaux, Department Head. We all hope this ongoing process will accelerate! Show More. Watch speakers from a variety of fields including education, health, politics, and corporate America. The two speakers at the 120th commencement ceremonies of the Institute each have a plethora of accomplishments and achievements under their belt, yet they come from nearly entirely different backgrounds. Advanced Degree Ceremony. MIT welcomed Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala MCP 78 PhD 81, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, as the OneMIT Commencement Ceremony guest speaker. MIT's Commencement occurs the day after Harvard University's ceremonies, but that should not cause any large problems, Morrissey said. Check out our hand-picked selection of commencement addresses, going back to 1774. Speakers; Commencement Photos & Videos; 2019; 2018; Left column placeholder. Commencement 2021 online. Dear colleagues, While Covid-19 continues to require our vigilance and flexibility, I write to share with you the plans for the Institutes 2022 Commencement celebrations. Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022. Okonjo-Iweala, the first woman and first African to lead the WTO, is the Institutes 117th Commencement speaker, a tradition that dates back to 1880, the earliest year that MIT Commencement records exist at MITs Institute Archives and Special Collections. Nergis Mavalvala, the Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics at MIT and the first woman to be the dean of the MIT School of Science, will address the Wellesley College class of 2022 at the Colleges 144th commencement on May 27.. Exit Full Screen. Dear 2020 graduates, In late March 2020, as we were all coming to grips with the devastating effects of the pandemic, I wrote to explain that Commencement 2020 would have to be online, but that, when it was safe again, we would celebrate your accomplishments in person and on campus. This website and related email traffic are hosted by MIT. The President of the Institute was the principal speaker at Commencement exercises prior to 1950 and from 1964 to 1982. 2020/2021 Ceremony Video 2022 Ceremony Video New York University is pleased to recognize several distinguished individuals at this year's All-University Commencement Exercises. Assistance will be offered after the ceremony, as well. Jun 6, 2019. Even MIT's commencement ceremony has a science behind it. Commencement Address. MIT School of Engineering and Schwarzman College of Computing Advanced Degree Ceremony. The first half of the 20th century often featured more than one Commencement per year. Nergis Mavalvala 90, the Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics at MIT and the first woman to be the dean of the MIT School of Science, will address the Wellesley College class of 2022 at the Colleges 144th commencement on May 27. Planned duration of no more than 90 minutes. This eventcomprising speeches, turning of the Brass Rat, and singing of the School Songis for graduates of all degree programs in all Schools and the College. Anant Agarwal is a tech genius. Graduation Speaker: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization. MIT Commencement. Conferring of Degrees. The following are snippets about each commencement speaker, along with the date, time, and schools associated with the specific ceremony. Honorary Degrees and Speakers Skip Sidebar. Click and Clack, The Tappet Brothers Car Talk PO Box 3500, Harvard Square Our Fair City, Cambridge, MA 02238 Dear Click '58 and Clack '72: I understand that you have once again expressed on-air disappointment over not being asked to speak at MIT's graduation. Others and there are a couple of Afghani MIT students arent worth a mention. An archive listing of previous Commencement speakers/speeches may Guests, 1:00pm, four (4) tickets per graduate. Welcome to Commencement at MIT. Welcome, families and friends! 2009. Commencement 2002 Friday, June 7th, 2002 Commencement 2002 Speaking Program The program begins with the invocation and the singing of the national anthem. Our best path to defeating Covid-19 is population-wide vaccination, not only in the US but around the world. Answer: By tradition, Yale does not have a Commencement speaker, although an exception is made when a sitting president is awarded an honorary degree, as was the case in 2001. Class of 2021 alums, please. Please contact Student Disabilities Services in advance so that we know that you are attending the Doctoral Ceremony. Planning for May 2022 Commencement celebration. Speakers; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; History and symbolism; Campus Community. Francis A. Walker, MITs third president, who was the guest speaker 11 times between 1883-1896. Acknowledgments; Commencement Committee; Special Classes: 2021 and 2020. For MIT, some deaths of innocent civilians at the hands of armed agents of the state are worth somber reflection, others result in you being celebrated as a commencement speaker. Featuring select MIT's Commencement addresses starting from 1984. Time: 1:30pm-3:00pm. How long we keep your personal information Jul 06, 2002 The president of the World Bank Group emphasizes the essential challenge of global equity, as he addresses the first class of MIT seniors to graduate since the New graduates in the Class of 2022 will gather to celebrate Class Day and Commencement. Lesson to MIT Grads: 'I Now Know Better Than to Cry at MIT'. Check out the full list of speakers: Pictured: * The first MIT Commencement speaker of record was Unitarian clergyman Rev. Provost Christina Sax will preside over the ceremony and President Marc Levin will confer the degrees at this event. Commencement 2021 online. The latest a Commencement speaker was announced in the past five years was when then-Secretary of Defense Les Aspin PhD '66 was named on March 31, 1992 to speak at the June 1 event. Computers Through The Ages MIT faculty and researchers discuss the evolution and future impact of computer technologies. Please contact the Commencement Office: | 617-253-4795 Would include the following elements: Commencement speaker, President, etc. Honorary Degrees and Speakers Skip Sidebar. November 12, 2013 Read full story Welcome! Perhaps the most notable event in MITs Commencement history occurred when there was no speaker. These are the confirmed big names so far that are scheduled to be 2022 spring commencement speakers at colleges and universities across the nation (this list will be updated former NBA player (2020 commencement) MIT: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization; Morehouse College: Raphael Warnock, U.S. Eligible and interested students are required to submit an online application. Burns was MIT's Commencement speaker for 2011. It is my pleasure to introduce our commencement speaker, Dr. Charles M. Vest, MIT President Emeritus, professor of mechanical engineering, and President-elect of the National Academy of Engineering. I am delighted that Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has accepted the invitation to serve as our 2022 Commencement Speaker, says James Poterba, the Mitsui Professor of Economics and the chair of the Commencement Committee. Graduates and Faculty, 12:45pm, line up at the Media Lab, 6th Floor. Commencement Archive. June 5, 2014 Read full story DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman will be MITs 2014 Commencement speaker A champion of market-driven science, trained as an engineer, will address the Class of 2014 on June 6. The former Nigerian finance minister joins a long list of Commencement speakers, including MIT alumni/ae like former United States chief technology officer Megan Smith 86, SM 88 and former Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke PhD 79. MIT's Commencement history includes 109 guest speakers, such as President Bill Clinton, since 1880. In 1982, Katharine M. Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, became the first outside speaker to deliver the address. Welcome to Commencement at MIT. Congratulations, graduates! Commencement 2021: Friday, June 4. COVID-19 and Commencement Special FAQ Im delighted to hear that Bryan Stevenson will be the commencement speaker for our class, says Kofi Blake, president of MITs Class of 2021. 2022 Commencement Speaker Nancy Hopkins MIT School of Science Advanced Degree Ceremony Thursday, May 26, 2022 11:00 a.m. Kresge Auditorium Lord Swraj Paul PC 52 and Angad Paul 92 Theater 2022 Commencement Speaker Nancy Hopkins Nancy Hopkins is the Amgen Inc. Heres what you need to know: MIT will invite all graduating students and their guests to celebrate Commencement in person on Killian Court. George E. Ellis in 1880. The 2022 class council is excited to welcome Mavalvala as the commencement speaker. Ceremony videos. Selected Commencement Addresses from 1899-present are also available on the University Archives and Records Center website.. Submission Pr ocess. The two speakers at the 120th commencement ceremonies of the Institute each have a plethora of accomplishments and achievements under their belt, yet they come from nearly entirely different backgrounds. He chaired the U.S. Department of Energy Task Force on the Future of DOE Wednesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 26, 2022. Perhaps the most notable event in MITs Commencement history occurred when there was no speaker. The most frequent MIT Commencement speaker? Okonjo-Iweala, a Nigerian economist and MIT alumna, will address graduates at a campus ceremony May 27. The 2020 graduation festivities are scheduled for May 28 and 29. Francis A. Walker, MITs third president, who was the primary speaker 11 times between 1883-1896. Angrist is the Ford Professor of Economics at MIT, a cofounder and director of MITs Blueprint Labs, and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Keynote Speech Video. Full Ceremony Video. Welcome to Commencement at MIT. Congratulations, graduates! Commencement 2021: Friday, June 4. MIT is delighted to announce Bryan Stevenson, Founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, as the 2021 guest speaker. Read more in The Tech. Commencement 2021 info. #mit2021 Dartmouth College. Transcript of President Tessier-Lavigne's Remarks. Her career shows by example how the tools acquired in the halls of MIT can be deployed to improve the human condition. Jacinta Arden, New Zealands Prime Minister, will address graduates of Harvard University (while United States Attorney General Merrick Garland will address graduates of the Classes of 2020 and 2021 whose commencements were impacted by the pandemic). Yale College Class Day, which takes place the Sunday before Commencement, features a notable speaker chosen with undergraduates input. We all hope this ongoing process will accelerate! Okonjo-Iweala, a Nigerian economist and MIT alumna, will address graduates at a campus ceremony May 27. Department of Urban Studies and Planning Elie Wiesel. James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank Group, gives the Commencement address. Inaugural speaker: Dario Gil Phd 03, Senior Vice President and Director of Research at IBM. Commencement Weekend 2018 Highlights. Staff with wheelchairs will be on hand to assist you and your party. Emir Kamenica. President Reif announced on December 22, 2021 that MIT will welcome the Classes of 2021 and 2020 to campus for a special celebration on Saturday, May 28, 2022. MIT uses risk-assessed administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your personal information. To the members of the MIT community, I write to share our plans for this years Commencement and Reunions, including our Commencement speaker. Please contact Student Disabilities Services in advance so that we know that you are attending the Doctoral Ceremony. Some MIT community members deserve sympathy for their special pain. Graduation Date: May 27, 2022. Commencement Speakers Since 1938 Speeches. About the speaker. James D. Wolfensohn (World Bank Group) - 2002 MIT Commencement Address. Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, graduates, and graduates-to-be, Dr. Best. President Hockfield talks to students during the MIT Open House. Department of Architecture Masters recipients Doctoral recipients Investiture by Nicholas de Monchaux, Department Head. Ellen DeGeneres. This eventcomprising speeches, turning of the Brass Rat, and singing of the School Songwas for graduates of all degree programs in all Schools and the College. An article from the Tuesday, April 2, 2002 issue of The Tech - MIT's oldest and largest newspaper and the first newspaper published on the Internet. Thank you, President Reif and thank you, Class of 2016! In the year of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing, MIT commencement speakers gave pause to remember those who helped get us to the moonas well as the personal support received by grads on the way to achieving their degrees. MIT's commencement speech had been given by the president of the university until June of 1982, when Katharine M. Graham, publisber of the Washington Post, became the Open House. 2006. Svafa Grnfeldt, Professor of the Practice. The MIT Class of 2022 gathered for the first in-person graduation exercises in three years, after two years of online ceremonies due to Covid-19. Friday, May 27, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. All members of the Class of 2022 are invited to the OneMIT Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 27. MIT alumna Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director-general of the World Trade Organization, delivered the Commencement address. Interviews with legendary change-makers, historic footage from the MIT Museum collection, unforgettable lectures, COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS AT MIT 1997-2007 2007, MIT President Emeritus Charles M. Vest (1990-2004), He chaired the President's Advisory Committee on the Redesign of the Space Station and serves on the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology. Since 1880, MIT has had 117 MIT Commencement speakers. Newsha Ghaeli, President and Cofounder of Biobot Analytics. Anant Agarwal. More information about Commencement Day can be found HERE. Graduates and Faculty should report to the Media Lab no later than 12:30pm. Graduates, family, friends, fellow students, and MUIHs faculty and staff are invited to join this years Commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 15, 2022. While the time of the OneMIT Commencement Ceremony will be announced soon, the date Friday, May 27, 2022 is set. Svafa Grnfeldt, Professor of the Practice. Last summer, I advised you that your chances of being invited as Commencement speakers Kullman is the Institutes 109th Commencement speaker dating back to 1880, the earliest year that MIT Commencement records exist at MITs Institute Archives and Special Collections. The Commencement speaker will address this gathering, the president will deliver a charge to the graduates, and there will be the traditional turning of the class ring. By Matt Damon. At a time where our country continues to recognize and confront its systemic racial disparities, I believe Mr. Stevenson will provide a much needed perspective on tackling these issues. New York University President Andrew Hamilton and Board of Trustees Chairman William Berkley today named the honorees to be recognized at the Universitys 188th and 189th Commencement Exercisesan unprecedented doubleheader event honoring the Classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022which will take place Wednesday, May 18, at Yankee Guests with disabilities. Conferring of Degrees. Commencement Address. Thank you. remain alert to your email; update your contact information in the Alumni Online Directory to ensure you receive the most up-to Professor of Biology Emerita in the Department of Biology in MITs School of Staff with wheelchairs will be on hand to assist you and your party. Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez were spotted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys (MIT) commencement ceremony. I am delighted that Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has accepted the invitation to serve as our 2022 Commencement Speaker, says James Poterba, the Mitsui Professor of Economics and the chair of the Commencement Committee. MBA Convocation Speaker: No speaker. Her career shows by example how the tools acquired in the halls of MIT can be deployed to improve the human condition. The 2022 class council is excited to welcome Mavalvala as the commencement speaker. Additional Information: MIT Commencement: All families and guests are invited to attend MITs OneMIT event, where the Tyler Perry will be the keynote speaker at Emory Universitys commencement exercises. Among this cohort are 23 MIT alumni and six world leaders. More at MIT News Introduction of Guest Speaker. Hockfield and MIT's mascot, Tim the Beaver, participate in a flash mob at the MIT150 Open House. The 133rd MIT graduation ceremonies are shown in their entirety, including processions, speeches, conferral of degrees, and dispersal. Since 1880, MIT has had 117 MIT Commencement speakers. June 3, 2016 3:17 PM EDT. Introduction of Guest Speaker. Assistance will be offered after the ceremony, as well. First, there will be a OneMIT ceremony on Friday morning (May 27, 2022) in Killian Court for all graduates. MIT charges this years graduates to pursue moonshots, provide others with opportunity, and lead the way on fighting climate change. James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank Group, gives the Commencement address. This application must include a written draft and a video recording of you delivering your full commencement address. More information. Harvard's Graduate School of Design will hold an in-person commencement ceremony for the class of 2022. The MIT Class of 2022 gathered for the first in-person graduation exercises in three years, after two years of online ceremonies due to Covid-19. "Car Talk" hosts Raymond and Thomas Magliozzi deliver the address, on the topic of fulfillment and happiness. Tyler Perry will be the keynote speaker at Emory Universitys commencement exercises. Matt Damon delivers funny commencement speech at MIT June 6, 2016 00:34 The actor and filmmaker shared words of wisdom and plenty of wisecracks most of them about himself and his Hollywood career. About the video. The new Commencement format has three central elements. 2004. Location: Media Lab, 6th Floor E14-674 Multi Purpose Room. 127th Commencement, 2018. View an accessible PDF of all the guest speakers at MIT Commencement through the years. Here are the 2019 commencement speakers at the Forbes Tip 30 colleges. Esther Duflo PhD 99 Esther Duflo PhD 99's Salute to the Advanced Degree Recipients. Graduation Information: 2022 MIT Sloan Commencement. Check out the full list of speakers: Pictured: * Cornell University held two in-person Commencement Ceremonies for the Class of 2022 on Saturday, May 28 at Schoellkopf Field. Graduation Speaker: Michael Bloomberg, Former Mayor of New York City Graduation Information: 2019 MIT Commencement Dartmouth (Tuck) Graduation Date: June 8 (Investiture) / June 9 (Commencement) Investiture Speaker: Roger Lynch (95), CEO of Cond Nast Graduation Information: Tuck Class of 2019 Investiture Additional Information: Cellist Yo 2014. Jacinta Arden, New Zealands Prime Minister, will address graduates of Harvard University (while United States Attorney General Merrick Garland will address graduates of the Classes of 2020 and 2021 whose commencements were impacted by the pandemic). 2020/2021 Ceremony Video 2022 Ceremony Video New York University is pleased to recognize several distinguished individuals at this year's All-University Commencement Exercises. Recipient of MITs distinguished Smullin and Jamieson awards, he teaches at the universitys computer science and electrical engineering department. December 22, 2021. MIT 2022 Commencement. Commencement Speaker Joshua D. Angrist 82, Honorary Doctor of Social Science Nobel Prize winner Joshua D. Angrist 82 will deliver the keynote address for the Commencement ceremony honoring the Class of 2022. Matt Damon delivers funny commencement speech at MIT June 6, 2016 00:34 The actor and filmmaker shared words of wisdom and plenty of wisecracks most of them about himself and his Hollywood career. Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022 Our best path to defeating Covid-19 is population-wide vaccination, not only in the US but around the world. 2020 Speakers. Please call us at 617-253-1674, TTY 617-253-3194, or email The new Commencement format has three central elements. Please call us at 617-253-1674, TTY 617-253-3194, or email April 30, 2011. Newsha Ghaeli, President and Cofounder of Biobot Analytics. Wednesday, May 11, 10 a.m.; Tore Godal, special advisor on global health, Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services: Leonard M. Miller School of medicine ceremony. Any questions? MIT news coverage. Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-District of Columbia) and former MIT president Susan Hockfield (G79) are among those scheduled to speak at the universitys 2018 Commencement May 17-20.
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mit commencement speakers