WNY. I tend to use diamonds for removing material and reprofiling and use ceramics for honing and finishing off my edges. Alternatives. Regular price $24.95. Edge Pro 650 Grit Diamond Matrix Stone Part # 650MX Edge Pro's new 650 grit diamond matrix stone is a great addition to your sharpener. Category(s) Outdoor Shop. I just got a TSProf K03 with some diamond and diamond resin stones that's the bees knees. Search for: KME sharpener doug krueger 2013-12-27T01:19:53-07:00. Learn more about free returns. You can also buy the diamond stones individually - in Extra Coarse (70 grit), Coarse (120), Medium (280), and Fine (600). The construction is all metal and it can take a variety of different brands of stones. In stock. Diamond Bench Stones ComboStones Multi-Purpose Sharpeners. We now have very precise, high quality sharpeners that are intuitive to use with a very short learning curve. Sharpening Stones. You can certainly spend less and get the job done but they're a lot of fun to use. The oil helps to keep the fine metal dust from filling the "pores" of the film. Going from diamond "stones" to get rid of any dings or flaws in the edge, then working to the stones. Yes, that has been my experience with the KME lapping film. KME XX-Coarse 100 Grit Gold Series Diamond Hone. Last year I switched to a KME sharpener. They are flat, oval, or round in cross-section and up to 1 foot (30 cm) long. Re: Sharpening Traditional broadheads. 3M Lapping Films are engineered to get you ridiculously sharp edges in fewer passes. 3. This plus a good strop will give you a hair splitting edge. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk. Grit Coarseness 3 of 5 Durability 4 of 5 Quality I used files for a long time. Double-Sided Diamond BenchStone (Coarse/Fine) $41.99. and last an incredibly long time. I use Diamond stones with Water. Always keep the given angle and try to go in a smooth way from one end to the other. Most will be between 24-28 degrees. If you're interested in trying a set of ceramics, can definitely talk splitting out a set for you. It does a very nice job and is very easy to use. I think diamondstone takes off too much stock for the broadheads to last and keep their weight. In fact, for a time, I was selling pre-sharpened snuffers just for the fun of it. Discussion in 'Reviews' started by 8thsinner, . For those that use stones on a daily basis and maintain them properly, the diamond will likely last for a few years. Many years of hand-maintaining the angle has made it easy. The diamond stones are such great quality and you can just tell they will last a long time. Kit comes with KME sharpening system, case, cleaning cloth, 1oz water bottle, instructions and the following sharpening stones: KME Gold Series X-Coarse Hone - 140 grit. The KME Precision Knife Sharpening System and Base kit includes : the latest KME Knife Sharpening System, KME Gold Series Diamond hones in 4 grits - XC 140, C 300, F 600 and XF 1500, 1oz Water Bottle, 12 x 12 Cotton Cleaning Cloth, Detailed Instructions and Hardshell Storage Case - plus the KME Base (the most frequently added KME accessory). Using a KME, I always go 25 degrees then the last few strokes using the finest stone I go up to 28 degrees and do one light stroke, flip, stroke, flip, stroke, etc. I think they work awesome as long as you don't press too hard. The diamond stones do 90% of the work containing the 100-1000 grit sections of the process. 1x4 KME Size; 1x6 Hapstone, Edge Pro & TSProf Size; WEPS Wicked Edge Size; . It typically takes 75 passes on each side of the blade before you can move up in grit so you get about 10 knives out of each piece of lapping film. They are flat, oval, or round in cross-section and up to 1 foot (30 cm) long. The 800 is the hidden gem of the Chocera line. Add . They will last long beyond me and make sharpening broadheads each year a snap. 1 2. I followed this up with 4 and 1 micron diamond emulsion on a paddle strop. Kit comes with KME sharpening system, case, cleaning cloth, 1oz water bottle, instructions and the following sharpening stones: KME Gold Series X-Coarse Hone - 140 grit. I epoxied the belt material to either side . Joined: Jan 2006. For finer grits, it is a common practice to use water . Diamond stones are widely available in grits from 220 to 1200. 18. KME Precision Knife Sharpener System with 4 Gold Series Diamond Hones - Base Included by KME Sharpeners : Amazon.ca: . Draw the blade across the stone on the first side 10 times. The cutting edge is not that long, so having more push cut prowess is what i would try first. In stock. All these knives available at BladeHQ. Diamond stones are also the easiest to maintain, simply dry the stones after use. KME X-Coarse 140 Grit Gold Series Diamond Hone. I have since purchased a dmt 100 grit stone and the kangaroo leather strop with stropping compound at 4 microns. When used properly, kept clean and stored dry, DMT® diamond sharpeners will last a very long time. Also to know is, how does a knife sharpener work? We now have very precise, high quality sharpeners that are intuitive to use with a very short learning curve. The are three reasons 3M lapping film works so well: 1. KME Diamond Knife Sharpening Kit - now with KME Gold Series Hones and the Generation II low profile vise jaws. Ive never used the kme system or stones before so im making assumptions based on DMT stones i have used in the past. . While different brands/styles will sharpen at slightly different angles, individual broadheads and blades . 4" Stone Holder for Work Sharp Precision Adjust overcomes the limitation. I've also used Lanskys in the past with good results and we got my dad a KME last year for father's day as a more capable option. I purchased this stone hoping to get a high end finish on my knives. The finest grit diamond stone that is widely available is 1200 grit. Best way is to take the scissors appart, lay down the blade or clamp it and file/sand towards the cutting edge. Because the broadhead sharpener is a fixed angle guide, the specific angle will vary depending on the width of the broadhead. X-Coarse 80 grit Silicon Carbide Ceramic Stone. . About 30 strokes on a conventional sharpening stone is equivalent to about 5 or 6 strokes on a DMT sharpener. Do not over sharpen. The KME Precision Knife Sharpening System model KF-D4 is the newest KME sharpener system as of June 2015. corse diamond sharpener for brand new heads to get the angle then I use a DMT medium/fine diamond hone, then a gray stone that came wiht the KME deluxe kit then a transparent stone . KME Gold Series diamond sharpening stone coarse, grain size 300. Guided sharpening systems have come a long way from their very minimal beginnings. Still, you can't beat the value of a $40 knife sharpener that gets the job done over several years. Just be sure to follow the instructions above, keep the stone well lubricated and rinse it often. With that in mind also know I have no experience with any other guide rod systems.its easy to use, built well and has excellent diamond stones from 140-1500 grit. A medium and a fine. KME Gold Series Fine Hone - 600 grit. The diamond stones may have been for me a better choice, but we live we learn. Part 3 The original diamond stones for use with the system were by DMT. I can achieve MIRROR finish with this . Continue switching from side to side while performing 10 strokes on each side until you can feel the burr on one side of the knife. Wide broadheads will sharpen at slightly lower angles than narrow heads do. As of today, you may use any 4" sharpening stones including the KME form-factor and Venev Dog Series dual-side diamonds. . While primarily used for everyday maintenance, it is aggressive enough for performing some minor reprofiling and very . The KME Precision Knife Sharpening System and Base kit includes : the latest KME Knife Sharpening System, KME Gold Series Diamond hones in 4 grits - XC 140, C 300, F 600 and XF 1500, 1oz Water Bottle, 12 x 12 Cotton Cleaning Cloth, Detailed Instructions and Hardshell Storage Case - plus the KME Base (the most frequently added KME accessory). All these knives available at BladeHQ. This means the Naniwa-stones are about three times as thick. . KME "Super-Tuff" ceramic sharpening stone, coarse. Ultra Sharp Diamond Sharpening Stone Set. KME Diamond Lapping Film Box Set, DLF-BXST. I use a two sided flat diamond bench stone. But the paper wheels I have seen some insane sharp edges can be done on. €32.00. 4 Gold Series KME 1x4 diamond hones - 140 extra-coarse, 300 coarse, 600 fine and 1500 extra fine . There are also curved stones in a variety of grits for recurves, and triangular stones in a variety of grits for serrations. Arkansas Stones Pros: Arkansas stones are polishing stones. This goes a long way to preventing oxidation dulling and helps reveal quiver dulling. You can sharpen shears and scissors with a fine diamond file or sandpaper (P600-800) applied to a small strop. Read Full Review. Really, for a general EDC blade these three stone sets are all you realistically need. Two different grit surfaces. Sharpening Stones. I also generally feel that some lubrication while working with abrasives is a good thing for the stone or hone, this is anecdotal though. Design-wise, the Hapstone M2 looks like a winner to me and it's $150 for the base version. That said, I still sharpen my two-blades by hand with file and diamond stone. In recent years, DMT has made a 4000 and 8000 grit diamond stone available. Both stones are 21.0 x 7.0 cm's. The difference lies in the thickness. Some stones (it just easier to call them stones than diamond bonded to metal plates thingamabobs) would last a good long time and others would be done within a small run of sharpening. €169.00. If you want a more polished edge, after using a fine diamond, complete with an extra-fine stone and if you want a more refined edge, step through to extra-extra fine. The diamonds make it very easy to sharpen even the hardest steels like Spyderco's ZDP-189 or M390 that routinely present great difficulty to novice sharpeners. For those that use them regularly, it's likely the stone will last from ten to twenty years. Posts: 8,417. The cutting edge is not that long, so having more push cut prowess is what i would try first. I am thinking of turning my grinder into a paper wheel sharpener. 1500-grit diamond hones will still be quite toothy; especially for shaving. Part # DB-1260. Compare. KME Gold Series Extra Fine Hone - 1500 grit. . €26.00. A honing steel, sometimes referred to as sharpening steel, whet steel, sharpening stick, sharpening rod, butcher's steel, and chef's steel, is a rod of steel, ceramic or diamond-coated steel used to realign blade edges. It came with 200/600 stones diamond stones and I purchased 800/1000 diamond stones. When you get a burr (on both blades if . KME Gold Series Coarse - 300 grit Diamond Hone. Also to know is, how does a knife sharpener work? KME Gold Series Coarse Hone - 300 grit. I progressed through 140, 300, 600, and 1500 diamond hones before finishing with a leather kangaroo strop with 4 micron diamond emulsion. For those that use them less frequently, it's likely the stone will last from ten to twenty years. You can certainly use ceramics to reprofile an edge, but it'll take considerably longer than using lower grit diamond stones. Even with the extra goodies though I find that for my own preferred cutting edges I basically use the coarse, fine, and extra fine KME Gold diamond stones and then the kangaroo stops made for it loaded with 4, 1.5, 0.5, and 0.1 micron CBN emulsions in that order if I want to go really toasty. . With diamond polishing compounds, something like 3 micron or finer, on a smooth wood strop, will bring up a high polish fast. We recommend three methods of breaking in your diamond stone. The Naniwa Professionals are 2.0 cm's thick, while Shapton stones are only 1.1 cm's. The glass part is about 0.5 cm's, which effectively means you have a stone of about 0.6 cm thick. PO Box 1045 Idaho Springs, CO 80452. twoselfbows . One of the best things is being able to match factory edge, so now i dont have to severely reprofile every knife like i had to on lansky. KME Diamond Lapping Film Set with glass base, 0.1 micron. They make one specifically for two blade broadheads and also one primarily for . . There have been some fluctuations in them though. . In stock. The stones start with a precision machined aluminum blanks. (This product is available for pre-order only) KME Sharpening System Base. Home › Forums › Bows and Equipment › › Forums › Bows and Equipment › I would guess the kme diamond stones are the ones your most likely to use, so id try the 1500 finish. It does not come with the base and I would strongly recommend buying the base with the device. KME XX-Coarse 100 Grit Gold Series Diamond Hone. . 30338 #6102053 01/28/12. SHARPAL 156N Diamond Whetstone Knife Sharpener with Storage Base Positives Great quality tool. Sharpening Motion. . I ordered a Wicked Edge and it came this week. Add . Ive never used the kme system or stones before so im making assumptions based on DMT stones i have used in the past. $138.95. There are also curved stones in a variety of grits for recurves, and triangular stones in a variety of grits for serrations. Stone kme sharpening system. It can be use without the base but is much better with the base. twoselfbows@msn.com (303) 725-4183. Not to mention, these diamond stones are about $100+/- a pair and a couple few times sharpening a Maxamet will require new ones, so. Double-Sided Diamond BenchStone (Coarse/Fine) $41.99. Applying excessive pressure while sharpening will quickly destroy the stones by dislodging the particles. I bought a pair of 11" diamond stones from Cabelas years ago for sharpening snuffer broadheads. Compare. Storage box that can also be used as a base. They are a little pricey but these are very well made sharpeners. 23-Aug-20. One of the best things is being able to match factory edge, so now i dont have to severely reprofile every knife like i had to on lansky. Looking at the strops diamond paste also. So we start with 100 and start a completely new bevel, symetric at both sides (not that abortion that comes outta the factory with Spyderco knives which differ in angle by as . Description. KME Gold Series Fine Hone - 600 grit. They ain't free in the Real World. You can also buy the diamond stones individually - in Extra Coarse (70 grit), Coarse (120), Medium (280), and Fine (600). and last an incredibly long time. KME also offers a bunch of accessories such as strops with emulsion from 4 micron to .10 micron. A durable tool with a 3-year warranty. Carmel. Compare. Negatives Two grits are included, but the medium grit needs to be purchased separately. Last Name . It is 4″ wide and 8″ long. . I can't see any scratches on the bevel and it was at the HHT3 level of sharpness. With skill, anything from maybe ~XC diamond or finer is capable of 'shaving' hair, but obviously wouldn't be best for doing it comfortably. Not only does it have higher grit it fits in the KME and works great as a finishing stone. Sub Category. When we consider what is included with this set (three grit stones of excellent quality), this is a great product to have around. I can get stuff shaving sharp quite easily. Blade Type. This is the long stroke 'Super Star' Broadhead Sharpener . I would guess the kme diamond stones are the ones your most likely to use, so id try the 1500 finish. James. Best purchase. 1x6 Jende Diamond Resin Stone 1 Micron $65.00. 386. . Work Sharp Precision Adjust is a fantastic sharpener. Apr 13, 2013. A surgical black Arkansas stone is really great for a nice edge, but I like to finish up with a 2 stage strop I made with an old belt and a piece of 1x2. They do not last forever, but they last for years and years. The remaining bays hold progressively finer grit diamond stones (400 grit,600 grit, 800 grit) With only a couple of passes in each bay you will have a sharp broadhead in a hurry. Kinda high price of entry but I got it for like half price through a friend in Russia so it wasn't so bad. Overall they're my favorite synthetic stones. No, the Choceras aren't "overkill" for a home user so long as you plan to learn to use them. A. KME Gold Series Extra Fine Hone - 1500 grit. Edge Pro 300 Grit Diamond Matrix Stone Part # 300MX Edge Pro's new 300 grit diamond matrix stone is a great addition to your sharpener. The finest grit stone, the white Arkansas feels to deliver about 1000 grit for a polishing edge. Diamond stones are manufactured by literally soldering diamond particles to a steel substrate (electroplating). I bought a brand new KME sharpening system and also this stone because it said it had a higher grit than the diamond stones that came with the KME. It does say one of the stones in particular will dip and may need flattening. Mine came with three dmt diamond stones, 300, 600 and 1500 grit. A honing steel, sometimes referred to as sharpening steel, whet steel, sharpening stick, sharpening rod, butcher's steel, and chef's steel, is a rod of steel, ceramic or diamond-coated steel used to realign blade edges. This combination honestly works fine but I want to take my knives to lower edge angles and experiment a bit. (This product is available for pre-order only) KME Kangaroo Leather Strop. I have a 1 x 30" belt sander (jerry hossom post elsewhere) and I have been sharpening that way for a few years. Chef'sChoice 250 Diamond Hone Hybrid Sharpener Combines Electric and Manual Sharpening for Straight and Serrated 20-degree Knives Uses Diamond Abrasives for Sharp Durable Edges, 3-Stage, White. X-Coarse 80 grit Silicon Carbide Ceramic Stone. It Includes: KME Knife Sharpening System, KME Gold Series Diamond hones in 4 grits - XC 140, C 300, F 600 and XF 1500, 1oz Water Bottle, 12 x 12 Cotton Cleaning Cloth, Detailed Instructions and Hardshell Storage Case. Product Description. Guided sharpening systems have come a long way from their very minimal beginnings. 1x4 KME Size; 1x6 Hapstone, Edge Pro & TSProf Size; WEPS Wicked Edge Size; . Regular Fillet Chisel/Woodworking Tools. In stock. Alternatives. Run a piece of hardened steel over the surface. 1. A truly fantastic stone. 1x6 Jende Diamond Resin Stone 1 Micron $65.00. I liked the edge that came off the KME, but decided to refine in further with several passes on brown and white stones on the Sharpmaker. Size: 1" x 4" x 3/16" (For use with the KME Knife Sharpening System) Coarse - 300 grit: The 300 grit hone will produce true shaving sharp edges on even the hardest super-steels. Sharpen as you normally would but use the largest, dullest knife you have. The stones start with a precision machined aluminum blanks. That said, the best looking mirrored edge I have ever obtained was with this progression: diamonds from 400 up to 1500, then 1.4 / 0.6 micron ceramics, 14 / 10 diamond paste on cow leather, 4 / 2 diamond emulsion on cow leather, and 1 / 0.5 on cow leather. Regular price $24.95. I ended up finding two simple tools with which I sharpen everything from knives, broadheads (single and double bevel), and chisels/gouges. However, it's limited by stock sharpening stones mounted on the proprietary holder. Like most things you do for a long time, you find what works best for you and simplify it with time. KME Gold Series Coarse Hone - 300 grit. Guessing I made about $10 an hour. . Nov 24, 2008. €32.00. L. Lawdwaz. Turn the knife over and draw the blade across the second side 10 times. They are made from carefully graded aluminum oxide. The diamond stones are such great quality and you can just tell they will last a long time. If you use your sharpener as part of your daily work and use it many times a day, you will likely need to replace it in a few years after extraordinary service. Use a light touch and let the stones do the work. From: Darrell. That said, the best looking mirrored edge I have ever obtained was with this progression: diamonds from 400 up to 1500, then 1.4 / 0.6 micron ceramics, 14 / 10 diamond paste on cow leather, 4 / 2 diamond emulsion on cow leather, and 1 / 0.5 on cow leather. I can't see any scratches on the bevel and it was at the HHT3 level of sharpness. Do sharpening stones wear out?

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