Multiple buildings collapsed, and the city was impacted by burst water mains, flooding, liquefaction and power outages. 6659 people were injured and 182 died in the initial 24 h. The massive peak ground accelerations, the time of the day, and the . The quake had an oblique thrust mechanism, leading to significant vertical offsets in the city. . 1,300 miles South East of Australia and consists of a North and South Island. Broadcast media played a critical role in communicating the scale of the damage and the immediate impacts after the earthquake. What was the magnitude of the 2011 earthquake? Christchurch is a city in New Zealand. 2011 Christchurch Earthquake MIHOP: Another Manmade Catastrophe Caused By The USual Suspects . "Then there is a period of a minute or two when that effect of liquefaction remains very strong during which large . The 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence caused severe economic impacts and community disruption in Christchurch, New Zealand due to damage from liquefaction and strong shaking. At the time it was still recovering from the effects of a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on 4 September 2010. Ground liquefaction, breakages and landslides characterized the Christchurch earthquake. 6.3MW 3 At 12.51 p.m. on Tuesday 22 February 2011, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake caused severe damage in Christchurch and Lyttelton, killing 185 people and injuring several thousand. Earthquake Built Environment Impact (02:28) Christchurch's city center was the hardest hit during the 2011 disaster; hundreds of buildings have been demolished. The Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake on 22 February 2011 resulted in a severely modified soil environment for vast areas of the city. The 22 February 2011 earthquake kicked off an unforeseen chain of events that will be felt for decades in New Zealand. Up to 100,000 buildings were damaged and around 10,000 buildings needed to be demolished after the earthquake.C hristchurch was divided into four zones after the earthquake. Disponivel em: < . Dust clouds above central Christchurch, 22 February 2011. It was 6.3 on the Richter scale and 8 on the Mercalli scale. Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. Everyone who was in or close to Christchurch on 22 February 2011 has a unique and frequently . The most severe of these earthquakes took place on February 22, 2011, a Richter-Scale Magnitude 6.3 earthquake that killed 181 people and resulted in $40 billion NZ in total damages (Anderson 2014 . 2010-2011 Christchurch earthquakes is estimated to be in the range between 25 and 30 billion NZ dollars (or 15% to 18% of New Zealand's GDP). The response to the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011 brought together the largest PIM team ever assembled in New Zealand. . Next, click February 22, 2011 under quick links (on the left of the page). The 5 km shallow depth of that earthquake's hypocenter, at an horizontal distance of roughly 10 km The earthquake generated a significant series of its own aftershocks. Mon 7 Mar 2011 03.22 EST. All by foreign banks - an exercise the government has been active previously in the fact that things. Photo: 123RF. Impacts of Christchurch Earthquake In total, the 'rehabilitation' costs $15.1 billion dollars worth of damage, Many businesses needed to fire employees due to the heavy re-building fee. The earthquake took place at a conservative plate margin between the Pacific plate and the Australian plate. The M w 6.0 (M L 6.4) Christchurch earthquake on 13 June 2011 was preceded 1 h 20 min earlier by a M L 5.6 earthquake; these events and related aftershocks were located primarily in southeast Christchurch along a NNW-trending alignment, although some large aftershocks (e.g., 21 June 2011 M L 5.4; Table 1) continued to occur in the gap between . 21 February 2016. More than 361 aftershocks occurred in the first week following the 6.3-magnitude earthquake. At that time, deep wells were dug throughout Christchurch to provide drinking water, but because this latest earthquake was so shallow, most of these wells remained undamaged, saving many lives. Figure 2.7 shows the effect of liquefaction on roads during the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. A social disaster is unfolding in Christchurch, New Zealand's second largest city, following the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that devastated the city's central business district and many suburbs . The epicentre of the quake was just 2km west of the port town of Lyttelton. The largest was a 5.9-magnitude tremor which occurred just under two hours after the main earthquake. This devastating and catastrophic event would have both immediate and long-lasting effects for thousands of people in New Zealand and around the world. I guess the Right is just desperate for anything to improve the economy under National. The effects of liquefaction on the built environment during the 4 September 2010, M w =7.0 Darfield earthquake and the 22 February 2011, M w =6.1 Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand are investigated through this project with the goal of capturing perishable data that will lead to the development of enhanced analytical procedures for evaluating the hazard holistically. One of the most striking impacts of the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence was widespread liquefaction along the Avon River and in the eastern areas of Christchurch. There were 6500 homes demolished, and the land was deemed . It occurred nearly six months after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. A cardboard church was erected whilst the stone cathedral is rebuilt. While our research focuses on the affects of the disaster on Maori communities, Amanda's report serves as a reminder of the tremendous changes wrought on our landscape with 580,000 tonnes of silt and sand brought to the surface - the liquefaction we all noticed - and substantial damage to . Million NZD out of action and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes will dampen the demand for kiwi dollar the Canterbury earthquakes 2010-11! Country: New Zealand, MEDC, Oceania Date & Time: 22nd February 2011 - 12:51pm New Zealand is located in the Pacific Ocean in the continent of Oceania. The popular bars and restaurants of The Terrace look across the newly paved . The Christchurch earthquake, February 2011. However, the overall impact of the earthquake could have been much worse had it not been for changes made after the last major earthquake in 1931. Moments later they experienced aftershocks of 5.7 and 6.0 magnitude. Open in a separate window. The only regional acute hospital was compromised but was able to continue to provide care, supported by other hospitals and primary care facilities in the city. BBC News. The Christchurch cathedral was toppled over and demolished from the earthquake on Feb 22, 2011. (West, 1982). Over 50 per cent of the city's buildings were damaged. On 22 February 2011, at 12:51 pm, Christchurch was struck by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. Tens of thousands of trees are adapting to the new. Though the government supplied money for those who were fired, businesses that needed re-building and injured employees. Almost a third said the earthquakes had caused them financial problems, while 64% said they felt guilty that other Cantabrians were more affected by the earthquakes. Christchurch earthquake map is a fantastic resource for illustrating the swarm of earthquakes that occurred on February 22nd 2011, when 185 people were killed as the result of a magnitude 6.3 quake. Google Scholar | Crossref Cubrinovski, M. , Green, R. A. , and Wotherspoon, L. events of 2010-2012 and their immediate impacts. Liquefaction develops very quickly during strong earthquakes. What happened on 22 February 2011 in Christchurch? has since been evolved and harnessed by Deep State forces to be able to create a number of different large scale environmental impacts, including large scale weather modification and . The Christchurch earthquake, February 2011. Maria Hayward. So, I thought it would be worthwhile going through the economic ramifications of the earthquake from the immediate effects to long term: Initial effects: The economic heart of Christchurch is shut down. The M W 6.2, 22 February 2011, Christchurch earthquake occurred at 12:51 p.m. local time with a focal depth of 5 km below the Port Hills of Christchurch (Bradley and Cubrinovski 2011).Peak horizontal and vertical ground accelerations recorded in the Port Hills region were typically in the range of 0.3-0.9 g but reached values as high as 1.4 g (horizontal) and 2.2 . So the epicentre close to the city, the low depth (5 km), and the high PGA lead to the desaster. It was the biggest earthquake since 1931. Get started for FREE Continue. A few days after February 22 2011, one article noted that the "devastated CBD of Christchurch will not be able to open until the end of the year and that it could take at least 10 years to . Environmental damage Many stone and brick buildings in Christchurch were damaged including the Cathedral of Christchurch. Summary. Environmental Science Genetics Geology Life Science Marine Biology Meteorology Microbiology Molecular Biology . Residents recall the challenges of living without power, water or sewer services. Nov 2020 - Present1 year 8 months. The city's. The port was damaged, and many roads cracked. About 10,000 houses in Christchurch will have to be demolished because of damage from last month's earthquake and parts of the city will have to be abandoned altogether . March 11, 2012. The Hidden Environmental Impacts of Copper in the Christchurch Rebuild Darlene Adrian, Alice Butler, Natsumi Imao, James Marwick, Sarah Pienisch . The earthquake struck at lunchtime, when many people were on the city streets. Their home has undergone enormous transformation in the past 10 years after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake killed 185 people, disrupted tens of thousands of lives and reduced 80% of the city centre to. The earthquake struck at lunchtime, when many people were on the city streets. Earthquake-damaged buildings in Christchurch Impacts on infrastructure Schools were closed for two weeks due to the damage. In 2014, 65% of city residents felt . The farmy army came to help - farmers brought their heavy . Killed 185 people. At 12.51 p.m. on 22 February 2011, the Canterbury region was struck by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. February 2011 Christchurch earthquake Dust clouds above central Christchurch, 22 February 2011 At 12.51 p.m. on 22 February 2011, the Canterbury region was struck by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. "During the February 2011 earthquake," says Misko, "it took two, three, four seconds to liquefy the loose soil in the eastern suburbs of Christchurch.". And while the vast majority of these events inflict no direct physical impact on our person, they tug at our conscience and challenge the notion that disaster risk reduction is possible. While most of the attention had been on the city's CBD and the huge numbers of lives lost there, the quake's impact on the lives of those living in the east deserves retelling. The Christchurch rebuild is forecast to start in earnest during the second half of 2012, continuing through to at least 2016. cracked or without heating and those with sound houses may find that they are now facing an overcrowded environment with . This devastating and catastrophic event would have both immediate and long-lasting effects for thousands of people in New Zealand and around the world. . Tragically the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake was the opposite, with the epicentre very close to the . It measured 6.3 on the Richter Magnitude scale. An interview with Dr . LOCAL GEOLOGY AND GROUND CONDITIONS Christchurch is located on deep alluvial soils of the Canterbury Plains, except for its southern edge, The primary effects included: Christchurch, New Zealand's second city, experienced extensive damage 185 people were killed 3129 people were injured 6800 people received minor injuries 100,000 properties were damaged, and the earthquake demolished 10,000 $28 billion of damage was caused water and sewage pipes were damaged In February most of the city was without power. The earthquake struck at 12:51 pm on Tuesday, 22 February, 2011. When the Darfield earthquake happened it was felt that Christchurch had dodged a bullet as the earthquake occurred at 4:35 AM on a Saturday morning and was centred about 40 km west of the city centre, which helped lessen the human impact. The Christchurch earthquake caused extensive damage to infrastructure and buildings. However, the overall impact of the earthquake could have been much worse had it not been for changes made after the last major earthquake in 1931. ASTRONOMY 161. Christchurch, along with the collapse of a few reinforced concrete buildings, contributed to make the February 22, 2011, earthquake a tragic national disaster of much more severe impact than the earlier, Sept. 4, 2010 Darfield event. A major earthquake occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Tuesday 22 February 2011 at 12:51 p.m. local time (23:51 UTC, 21 February). The capital city is Wellington. There was extensive damage as a result of the MM9 shaking, particularly to buildings and infrastructure, but fortunately there were no deaths. This earthquake did major destruction. Christchurch, along with the collapse of a few reinforced concrete buildings, contributed to make the February 22, 2011, earthquake a tragic national disaster of much more severe impact than the earlier, Sept. 4, 2010 Darfield event. There is evidence of intense liquefaction in the epicentral area, typical for . By October 2011 12 km of main sewage pipes had been replaced 16 km of water pipes replaced 9100 water main repairs undertaken 20 000 road repairs carried out 510 000 tonnes of silt removed Work on 13 km of stopbanks completed People Buildings Many buildings destroyed and damaged.
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environmental impacts of the christchurch earthquake 2011