New Jersey. DEA Phase 1 Federal UHF Lo FBI Phase 1 Federal VHF Civil Air Patrol Phase 1 Mix Mode Federal VHF UHF frequency in United Kingdom. GMRS licensees may use up to 5 watts. ch.2 operations rpt. Systems counted as a unique system if they used frequencies that were not part of another system within the state, county, city or township. It must be a "one off". Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio stations are currently used for Air Traffic Control air-ground voice communications for military aircraft flying as operational air traffic (OAT) and for the handling of non-8.33 kHz State aircraft which may operate as General Air Traffic/Instrument Flight Rules (GAT/IFR) in 8.33 kHz airspace. (i.e. The biggest difference is that UHF is line-of-sight, and VHF is not. Covered under Part 95 - Personal Radio Services. Potentially a false hit. During the Three Mile Island nuclear Due to narrow rebranding efforts, and the doubling of channels now available, now is a great time to search for new frequency assignments. Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 170.67500: RM: 156 NAC: DEA Hampton: Hampton: P25E: Federal: 170.81250: RM: 156 NAC: DEA Norfolk: Norfolk: P25E: Federal: 415.60000: RM: 156 NAC: DEA Rich 5: Richmond (Ch. However, the channels physical broadcast frequency is not always reflected by the channel (i.e. 380399.9 MHz: Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) service for emergency use. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Federal Operations (Statewide or Regional) (California) 25 Cities Project UHF: FMN: Interop: 483.13750: RM: 156.7 PL: SF MA T-A: 25 Cities Project UHF: FMN: Interop: 171.61250: RM: Drug Enforcement Administration. description frequency or frequencies ===== ===== dea frequencies ch.1 operations rpt. The VHF Television Band has 12 RF channels, and has been in use since 1947. VHF (Very High Frequency) and UHF (Ultra High Frequency) come with distinct pros and cons, understanding these differences will help you identify the best signal frequency for your two-way radio needs. 416.6250 MHz - 156 NAC - Commonly associated with DEA surveillance/ops. HF-GCS stations tend to operate in the aviation bands clustered around 5, 8 and 11/12 MHz, although other frequencies are in use. 462.5625. GMRS General Mobile Radio Services, Operates on 22 channels around 462 and 467 Mhz, capped at 5 watts, half a watt, and 50 watts depending on the channel, License Required. Typical UHF/VHF channel spacing is 20 kHz, and you wouldn't These frequencies have been adopted into the bandplans of each IARU region to be a focus for emergency communications in their areas. They are not absolute frequencies but instead are centres of activity and emergency communications may be found 20kHz from these centres. The Television UHF band originally had 69 RF View Subcategory Details. In general, VHF channels are numbered 2 to 13 and UHF channels 14 to 36. Military and national security at work! 27650.0 low pwr simplex 27850.0 low pwr simplex 27900.0 low pwr simplex 138.100 138.225 nationwide primary repeater output (repeats 141.875) 138.575 139.100 Frequencies 866.250, 866.300, 866.6375, 866.6875, Frequencies 867.1250, 867.7250, 867.8125, 868.5625; METRA. 11.945 MHz Radio Australia. In the past, DEA was very active in Phoenix on UHF analog frequency 418.950 156.7 PL. Atlantic. This frequency was often in the clear and sometimes encrypted. Camden . WM300KIT wireless microphone is a UHF fixed frequency system. Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 170.67500: RM: Assatge UHF: Assateague Island National Seashore - UHF Link? All ATC communications are between 118.0 and 137.0 MHz. A television station broadcast Radio Frequency (RF) channel is allocated 6 MHz of bandwidth for over-the-air transmission in part of the VHF or UHF Radio Frequency Band. What are VHF and UHF TV Frequencies? Generally, the most common are. ch.2 operations rpt. UHF Incident Response (IR) Interoperability. 1.71 - 1.95 GHz. County. US Customs/DEA/USCG HF Radio System Frequencies customs3.txt: 5732: US Customs/DEA/USCG HF Radio System Frequencies darke.txt: 1115: List of Frequencies for Darke, Colorado deafreq.txt: 698: A List of Frequencies for the DEA in the South Boston Area dealist.ham: 1536: Frequencies used by the U.S. Customs Services and the DEA Overview of UHF frequency allocations (860 to 960 MHz) for RAIN RFID 10 February 2022 Country Status Frequency in MHz Power Technique Comments Regulator Finland OK 865.6 - 867.6 2 W ERP ETSI Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) +358 9 6966 1 Also, Wide Band Frequency Hopping centered on the video signal of UHF-TV channels. 418.625/416.050 mhz. One important characteristic of radio waves is the wavelength which is the distance between peaks on a wave: Wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency. Also, Wide Band Frequency Hopping centered on the video signal of UHF-TV channels. If you think you're given a frequency above or below those numbers, there is a mistake. This band plan has been proposed by the ARRL VHF-UHF Advisory Committee. FRS Radio Frequencies. Trailing zeros in the hundreds and thousandths positions are always omitted in voice transmissions. 5.50 - 12.5 GHz. Frequency. Just be patient. 418.6250 MHz - 156 NAC - Commonly associated with DEA surveillance/ops. description frequency or frequencies ===== ===== dea frequencies ch.1 operations rpt. Since UHF transmission is limited by the visual horizon to 3040 miles (4864 km) and usually to shorter distances by local terrain, it allows the same frequency channels to be reused by other users in neighboring geographic areas ( frequency reuse ). Radio repeaters are used to retransmit UHF signals Government land mobile channels are normally on 12.5 kHz steps (406.1125, 406.125, 406.1375 ) in NFM, P25, or other digital voice modes. 13.630 Mhz Radio Australia. - Up to 3 simultaneous frequencies each band. UHF is the designation given to shorter radio waves moving in concentric circles that fall within the 300 MHz to 3 GHz (or 3000 MHz) frequency range. 430440 MHz: Amateur radio (ham 70 cm band) 446.0446.1;MHz: Private mobile radio. The most important frequencies to have programmed into your VHF/UHF radio would be the VHF simplex calling frequency, and the frequencies of the more important local repeaters, especially the ones that have emergency power such as solar panels. Frequencies - 867.1250, 867.7250, 867.8125, 868.5625 METRA 160.3650 police 160.7700 pbx 161.0250 commuter 161.2800 maintenance 160.7700 commuter 161.3400 commuter 161.6100 police mobiles UHF 408.050 USPS Inspectors 418.750 DEA 418.900 DEA Chicago (PL 156.7) 414.750 Postal Inspectors 446.575 Shuttle Launch Rebroadcast 450.050 WBBM/CBS News All wireless communication systems, including cell phones and Ultra high frequency (UHF) is the ITU designation for radio frequencies in the range between 300 megahertz (MHz) and 3 gigahertz (GHz), also known as the decimetre band as the wavelengths range from one meter to one tenth of a meter (one decimeter).Radio waves with frequencies above the UHF band fall into the super-high frequency (SHF) or microwave FREQUENCY LIST 30.100 Helo A-A-NJ area 31.300 Helo A-A-NJ area 32.500 Helo A-A-NJ area 32.900 Helo A-A-NJ area 34.000 Ft Dix NJ range 34.100 Davison AAF Ops/Dispatch 34.300 Helo A-A-NJ area 36.075 Flight Following Muir AAF, Ft Indiantown GAP PA 36.150 Cobra Helo A-A-NJ area 36.300 Ft Dix Range 36.500 Helo A-A-NJ area These frequency bands are shared. UHF RFID technology uses two main frequency ranges 902-928 MHz and 865-868 MHz; however, a few countries have adopted either multiple bands or unique ranges on the ISM standard. There are no common frequencies for emergency communications in the VHF / UHF spectrum however the bands are heavily used for local communications by national emergency groups. UHF - Ultra High Frequency Bands Region 2 - The Americas - UHF Allocations. 418.625 DEA (Nationwide) 167.650 FBI 000.000 000.000 000.000 ***** NOTE: For the most part, all of these frequencies have been mon- itored and verified. The manual contains a table of all channel pairs. One such country is Brazil who has adopted two uncommon frequency ranges within the 902-928 MHz range one being 902-907.5 MHz and the other being 915-928 MHz. 5.50 - 12.5 GHz. 27650.0 low pwr simplex 27850.0 low pwr simplex 27900.0 low pwr simplex 138.100 138.225 nationwide primary repeater output (repeats 141.875) 138.575 139.100 Frequency ranges commonly used nationwide 162.6125 - 162.7875 (repeater inputs) 163.8375 - 163.9875 (repeater inputs) 167.2125 - 167.7875 (repeater outputs) Nationwide channel plan The following channels are reported to be programmed in zone D in all FBI radios. : 510 or 670 MHz with a hopping width of +/- 25 MHz) Keep in mind that the federal government can use virtually any frequency between DC and light. The band is sometimes subdivided into VHF-Lo (RF 2 - 6), and VHF-Hi (RF 7 - 13). And I have only heard one UHF P25 simplex frequency used around Orlando. 418.625/416.050 mhz. 13.974 AM Dallas NAS Command Post. 1.95 - 5.50 GHz. FRS/GMRS Shared. A web search revealed nothing, so I would suspect that there is no standard UHF frequency for D-STAR hot spots, in Kansas or anywhere else. Ultra High Frequency. Frequency License Type Tone Within the last few months, the UHF frequencies have gone mostly silent. 5) P25: Federal: 417.55000: M: 156 NAC: DEA-Rich (S) Richmond Area Simplex: P25: Federal: 418.50000: M: - USB Power Adapter. DEA Update Since some DEA channels were recently discussed on the FEDCOM mail list, I thought I'd post my list of DEA UHF frequencies that was originally appeared in Fed Files and published in the November 2005 in Monitoring Times. 1/2 watt maximum power output. 446.1446.2;MHz: Digital private mobile radio. There are several different frequencies an RFID system can use. 418.6750 MHz - 156 NAC - Commonly associated with DEA surveillance/ops. 1.25 Meters (222-225 MHz) 222.0-222.150: Weak-signal modes: 222.0-222.025: EME: 222.05-222.06: Propagation All frequencies listed in this post are in Megahertz. Amateurs are secondary users. Frequency Notes Max Power; 1: Interstitial 5625: 462.5625 MHz: Also FRS Channel 1: 5.0 Watts: 2: Interstitial 5875: 462.5875 MHz: Also FRS Channel 2: 5.0 Watts: 3: Interstitial 6125: 462.6125 MHz: Also FRS Channel 3: 5.0 Watts: 4: Interstitial 6375: 462.6375 MHz: Also FRS Channel 4: 5.0 Watts: 5: Interstitial 6625: 462.6625 MHz: Also FRS Channel 5: 5.0 Watts: 6: Interstitial - ABS case. The ARRL Band Plan for the 70cm band reveals that 433435 MHz is for "Auxiliary/repeater links", which seems like the category that hot spots would fall in. Valid frequencies in-clude 109.97, 135.75, 129.425, 123.0, 133.77, and 129.3 MHz. In addition to these UHF channels the DEA uses, the agency is utilizing VHF channels in some regions. Here is a listing of the VHF DEA frequencies that have been identified so far: 171.5875, N283 - Frequency possibly called "AIR" channel - also note the unusual NAC. GMRS and FRS users may communicate with each other on these channels. REGION 1 VHF/UHF FREQUENCIES. 9.722 MHz am Radio India. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Federal (Virginia) Drug Enforcement Administration. 29.200 Portugal. The only common frequency I have observed is 170.6500 car to car. - 30 meter range. 146.745 MHZ split down 146.2 PL. VHF and UHF Bands Frequency Range (MHz) Band Name Assignment 108.000 to 118.000 VHF Air Navigation Radio Navigation (VORTAC, VOR, DME) 118.000 to 137.000 VHF AirVoice ATC, Tower, Ground, Private, Test, Government 138.000 to 144.000 VHF Air Voice It's not just the number that changes, it's also their intended purposes. : 510 or 670 MHz with a hopping width of +/- 25 MHz) Keep in mind that the federal government can 418.90/416.325 mhz. Standard +9.0 MHz offset. Major VHF/UHF Frequency Allocations By Larry Van Horn, Monitoring Times, Assistant Editor. 1. US Customs/DEA/USCG HF Radio System Frequencies customs3.txt: 5732: US Customs/DEA/USCG HF Radio System Frequencies darke.txt: 1115: List of Frequencies for Darke, Colorado deafreq.txt: 698: A List of Frequencies for the DEA in the South Boston Area dealist.ham: 1536: Frequencies used by the U.S. Customs Services and the DEA Itinerant scanner frequencies for used for interoperability, public safety, military, aviation, and business operations all around the United States. There have also been several other UHF analog frequencies monitored in Phoenix with ops in the clear. BaoFeng radios are notoriously difficult to program channels into using the front panel buttons. 406.1125-410.9875 Base/repeater output 411.0000-415.1000 Unpaired single frequency systems 415.1125-419.9875 Mobile/repeater input. For instance, UHF does not travel as far as VHF but may grant higher bandwidth occupation. Cape May. 18.721 MHz AM Hurricane Hunter Aircraft. 11.725 MHz am Radio New Zealand International. 28.600 Lebanon. 462.5875. - 32 Khz Digital Tone Pilot. capability to operate on VHF/UHF frequencies of the Department of Energy at that agency's nuclear facilities. In the US and Canada, the VHF television band occupies frequencies between 54 and 216 MHz and the UHF band between 470 and 608 MHz. View Subcategory Details. - 1 Bodypack headset/lavalier + 1 DEA 1: Mt Vaca/Lake Tahoe: FMN: Federal: 418.90000: RM: 156.7 PL: DEA 2: Mt San Bruno: FMN: Federal: 418.75000: M: 156 NAC: DEA 3: Channel 3 (Noted Sacramento/Stockton area) P25: Federal: 418.75000: M: 156.7 PL: DEA 3: Channel 3: FMN: Federal: 418.67500: M: 156.7 PL: DEA 4: Channel 4: FMN: Federal: 418.82500: RM: 156.7 PL: This Regulation stipulates that non-8.33 kHz equipped State aircraft that cannot be retrofitted for a justified, compelling reason will be accommodated by the ANSPs on UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) or 25 kHz VHF (Very High Frequency) assignments. Burlington. In some locations, typically major metropolitan areas, this band is so crowded that analog wireless microphones cannot operate reliably. 147.150+ 145.470-PL 127.3 for both. Ham Radio Amateur Radio Service, Operates all over the place, capped at 1500 watts, License Required. In general, VHF radios operate in the 138-174 MHz frequency band and UHF radios operate in the 400-512 MHz frequency band making UHF roughly three times higher in frequency than VHF. 418.90/416.325 mhz. The PAL-I standard specifies a video bandwidth of 5.0 MHz and an audio carrier at 6 MHz. Partially encrypted. 171.600mhz doj/dea (ch2) 172.200mhz doj/dea (ch1) 418.050mhz dea low power 418.075mhz dea low power 418.575mhz dea low power 418.750mhz dea fema vhf/uhf frequencies. This included federal agencies and military within the state. However, there is a noticeable difference between UHF - Ultra High Frequency and VHF - Very High Frequency. 70 cm : 430 - 440 MHz 33 cm : 902 - 928 MHz 23 cm : 1240 - 1300 MHz 12 cm : 2300 - UHF Analog wireless microphones operate in the same frequency band as UHF TV stations (470Mhz to 599Mhz). Partially encrypted. 12.5 - 39.6 GHz. Partially encrypted. 171.600mhz doj/dea (ch2) 172.200mhz doj/dea (ch1) 418.050mhz dea low power 418.075mhz dea low power 418.575mhz dea low power 418.750mhz dea fema vhf/uhf frequencies. Ultra high frequency (UHF) is the ITU designation for radio frequencies in the range between 300 megahertz (MHz) and 3 gigahertz (GHz), also known as the decimetre band as the wavelengths range from one meter to one tenth of a meter (one decimeter).Radio waves with frequencies above the UHF band fall into the super-high frequency (SHF) or microwave 2. 12.5 - 39.6 GHz. The primary HF-GCS voice frequencies are 4724.0 KHz, 6739.0 KHz, 8992.0 KHz, 11175.0 KHz, 13200.0 KHz and 15016.0 KHz. Please take a moment to check out our aviation related antenna products. 13.974 AM Dallas NAS Command Post. 11.740 MHz am NHK Radio Japan. Here are all the UHF DEA frequency allocations I have in my database: 408.2750 408.3000 408.3750 11.730 Mhz NHK Japan. FM: Federal: Blue Ridge Parkway. - 823/832 frequency range. Primary 147.420 Simplex 1.95 - 5.50 GHz. 160.3650 police; 160.7700 pbx; 161.0250 commuter; 161.2800 maintenance; 160.7700 commuter; 161.3400 commuter; 161.6100 police mobiles
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