(Kru), Grebo and the Bassa languages. The people of Liberia are classified into three major groups: the indigenous people, who are in the majority and who migrated from the western Sudan in the late Middle Ages; Black immigrants from the United States (known historically as Americo-Liberians) and the West Indies; and other Black immigrants from neighbouring Buchanan is the third largest city in Liberia, lying on Waterhouse Bay, part of the Atlantic Ocean. Chart at Unicode.org (PDF) Block at Decode to be rich, plentiful. People of Liberia Ethnic groups and languages. Population: ~ 5,500,000. Bassa Language / Version: 2002 The Bible Society in Liberia / The Bassa language is a Niger-Congo language. Buchanan serves as the capital with the area of the county measuring 7936 km2. The Bassa language is a Kru language spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone by Bassa people. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Bassa Language / Version: 2002 The Bible Society in Liberia / The Bassa language is a Niger-Congo language. Mutanen Bassa abilar Afirka ta Yamma ne waanda asalinsu 'yan asalin kasar Liberiya ne. As of the 2008 census, Buchanan has a population of 34,270. Region: Africa. Bassa language resources Bassa is spoken on a daily basis in: Liberia, Cameroon Bassa--> --> --> --> Additional background on Bassa. Lofa. Rivercess. (Photo courtesy: Front Row Media Liberia) **The piece was originally published on Get a detailed look at the language, from population to dialects and usage. Bassa is one of the most studied languages in Liberian schools and Universities. They numbered about 350,000 in 1991. Bassa Vah is a Unicode block containing characters historically used for writing the Bassa language of Liberia and Sierra Leone.. Bassa is one of the main languages of Liberia and has about 409,000 speakers. Pidgin-English, Kpelle, Bassa, Mano, Dan are other languages spoken on a regular basis in Liberia. The language is spoken primarily in the Montserrado Countys coastal areas in western Liberia. Bassa reside predominantly in Grand Bassa, Rivercess and Montserrado counties in Liberia. Lau (Archipel) Grand-Bassa, Libria. Bassa Ethnicity. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. The first primer was printed by Lyman Brothers circa 1907. Get a Quote Learn More. Language Expertise . It is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone [Bible Society] on Amazon.com. He worked first as an administrator in Grand Bassa, later a county that named its seat as Buchanan in his honor. Nge: Deity who came to the world to restore order and created a secret society where initiated Bassa men (a.k.a Nge-Nge) learn the secret of transmutation. English. She loved Liberia. These two characters are repeated in the Bassa Vah list above. On a French map of 1901, the "Guio" are shown as the people living south of the Mano (Delafosse, 1901: 105, and end map; see also Clozel and Villamur, 1902: 64). We have excellent Bassa software engineers and quality assurance editors who can localize any software product or website. We can professionally translate any Bassa website, no matter if it is a static HTML website or an advanced Java/PHP/Perl driven website. Bandi. The University Academic Affairs department asked for two faculty members from BVA to begin teaching Bassa. Liberia Information. Sun kafa mafi rinjaye ko kuma wasu tsiraru a cikin kananan hukumomin Liberia na Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Margibi da Montserrado. Industries. Spider: Saved the Bassa people by closing the opening of the Ngog Lituba with its web after the Bassa took refuge inside Ngog Lituba to escape the Foulbe. In addition to this, approximately 5,000 people speak the Bassa language in the Republic of Sierra Leone. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. The Bassa language is a Kru language spoken by about 600,000 Bassa people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone. However, some accounts report around 600 languages. The facial features Liberia is a country in West Africa founded by free people of color from the United States.The emigration of African Americans, both free and recently emancipated, was funded and organized by the American Colonization Society (ACS). Gbarpolu. Bassa language belongs to the language family of Niger-Congo. It was popularized by Dr. Thomas Flo Lewis, who has instigated publishing of limited materials in the language from the mid-1900s through the 1930s, with its height in the 1910s and 1920s. Buchanan, Grand Bassa County Buchanan was a scene of celebrations and colorful display on Wednesday, February 17 when the Grand Bassa Community College graduated 280 students in different disciplines as the keynote speaker urged graduates not to see their first degree as the end of their education.. Wednesdays graduation was the fifth She loved her grandchildren. Liberia has at least 16 (and perhaps as many as two-dozen or so, depending on where you draw the language line, Singler says). B,b. What are the most spoken languages on earth? Now Bassa speakers can watch this story of Jesus in their own tongue. The Watchtower shows us the significance of world events in the light of Bible prophecies. Buchanan, Liberia. As of the 2008 census, Buchanan has a population of 34,270. Huge range of colors and sizes. The Mano ethnic group in Liberia accounts for about 7.9% of the total population in the country, and speak mano language, which is part of the Mande language family. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Dewoin The Dewoin language is a Kru language of the Niger-Congo family that is spoken by about 8,100 people in Liberia. All regions in Liberia Bomi. Grand Bassa County is one of the most beautiful counties in Liberia. During his earthly ministry, Jesus taught about Gods Kingdom more than any other subject. English is the official language of Liberia. Tare da yawan jama'a kusan miliyan 0.57, sune kabila ta biyu mafi girma a cikin Nimba. Liberia -- Grand Bassa County. Our Bible-based magazines are available for download in hundreds of languages, including sign languages. Methodology: Using explanatory sequential methods this study collects, explains, and The Wikipedia provides the following information on block Bassa Vah:. (Photo courtesy: Front Row Media Liberia) **The piece was originally published on Industry Specialists. fertile land. Unreached - Few evangelicals and few who identify as Christians. With an overall population of about 0.57 million, they are the second largest ethnic group in Liberia (13.4%), after the Kpelle people (20.3%). The primary religion practiced by the Bassa is ethnoreligion. Country/Region: Liberia They form a majority or a significant minority in Liberia's Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Margibi and Montserrado counties. Montserrado. This portrayal of both groups has undermined true patriotism and nationalism in Liberia. Peoples Main language groups: English 20% (official), Bassa, Kru (Klao), Kpelle, Gola, Loma, Mann This dictionary was created initially as a word list for the Bassa Bible translation project. Bassa. Liberia's three largest rivers are St. Paul exiting near Monrovia, the river St. John at Buchanan, and the Cestos River, all of which flow into the Atlantic. This film is a perfect introduction to Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. Packets of Bassa speakers are also known to be present in Sierrea Leone. The Bassa language is spoken in Liberia and Sierra Leone by Bassa populations. She loved Canada. View Cart Bassa is spoken/used in Liberia Language Family Family: Niger All data is derived from UNESCO . Of this, 16,984 were male and 17,286 female. Vah is a real alphabet with 30 letters for consonants, 7 for vowels and 5 diacritical marks, which are placed in the vowels. The Bassa language is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia. Bassa . It begins in fact long before the birth of Unicode, as early as the 1920s, possibly earlier, with a formalization of the script by Dr. Its costal line is a fisherman and beach lovers paradise. It is referred to as Gbezohn in the local Bassa language. Bong. High quality Bassa-inspired gifts and merchandise. They are found mainly in the Northeastern part of the country, especially in Nimba County. at the University of Liberia on 10 May. This adaptation of the Story of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke has a Bassa language voiceover. The head and face of this figure are carved in a similar manner as the more known Bassa masks called Geh-naw that dances in graceful and feminine movements to accompany the boys when they return to their village after having been initiated into the mens society. Purpose: This study explores female-headed households in Grand Bassa, Lofa and Nimba counties to discern Liberia's smallholding, subsistence agriculture. The most commonly spoken languages in Liberia. The most commonly spoken languages in Liberia. It is spoken by about 347,600 people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone by Bassa people. The first book of the Bible in the Bassa language! LiberiaInfo, Liberia Information, Liberian History, Information on the Republic of Liberia, Liberian Presidents, Liberian Government. Liberia - Gbandi language - Mano language - Multilingualism - Mande languages - Kru languages - Mel languages - Gola language - English language - Liberian English - American English - Liberian Kreyol language - Merico language - Kissi language - Dan language - Kpelle language - Loma language - Maninka language - Mende language - Vai language - Bassa Grand Bassa, Comt de (Liberia) Ethnology. The Vah alphabet has two fewer characters, because the pairs Dy/Ny and Gb/Gm each use a single character, the only difference being whether the following vowel is nasalized. This block was introduced in Unicode version 7.0 (2014). All songs by the Guinean Missions choir were in the Guineas version of Kpellea dialect communicated through by people of one of Liberias 15 Counties named Bong. Pidgin-English, Kpelle, Bassa, Mano, Dan are other languages spoken on a regular basis in Liberia. The main local languages are Bassa, Dan (Gio), Kpelleh, Kru, Lorma and Mano. Nge-Nge like to change into werewolf. About Liberia: The Facts: Capital: Monrovia. Although the Bassa language is not widely taught in Liberia, it is, however, taught at Spiritan Academy, one of Monrovias elite schools, which sent student and faculty representatives to the official launch of Jaadeh! Buchanan, Liberia. It comforts people with the good news of Gods Bas Where Bassa is spoken. What are the most spoken languages on earth? This standing fertility figure is carved in a strong style typical to the Bassa people of Liberia. English is the official language. Hundreds of Languages, Thousands of Products Worldwide shipping, since 1992! The New Testament - Bassa (Liberia) - (Faith Comes By Hearing) Other names for Bassa. They form a majority or a significant minority in Liberia's Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Margibi and Montserrado counties. Although the Bassa language is not widely taught in Liberia, it is, however, taught at Spiritan Academy, one of Monrovias elite schools, which sent student and faculty representatives to the official launch of Jaadeh! Grand Bassa. Bassa (ISO Language) Bassa: Central; Bassa: Gba Sor; Bassa: Gbor; Bassa: Hwengbarkon; Bassa: Mabahn; Bassa: Rivercess Bassa; People Groups who speak Bassa. Liberia and Sierra Leone have as an official language English, but they have their native languages, one of these is certainly Bassa. while he was studying at Syracuse University in the United States. All data is derived from UNESCO. In Liberia's capital of Monrovia, they are the largest ethnic group. Liberia has a 560-kilometre coastline and mountains in the north and east. Um, Bassa Vah raises the fascinating question of whether a writing system or any invention is created by one person at one time, or if it is developed by countless people over a much longer period. Brownie Samukai an executive pardon in keeping with powers ascribed to him under Article 59 of the Constitution of Liberia, which reads as follows: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia Hon. Other names for the Bassa language: (Central Bassa, Gba Sor, Gbor, Hwen Gba Kon, Mabahn, Rivercess Bassa) Get a Quote Learn More. Buchanan is the third largest city in Liberia, lying on Waterhouse Bay, part of the Atlantic Ocean. God creates everything and loves mankind. WWW.GRANDBASSACOUNTY.COM. PEOPLE GROUPS - Start; Bassa: Liberia: Gbor/bassa: Hwegbarkon: Hwen Gba Kon: Bible Translation Year / Status; Bible Portions: 1844-1988 New Testament: 1970 Complete Bible: 2002-2005 Possible Print Bibles; Book a Hotel. Ethnicity of Liberia is Kpelle, Bassa, Grebo & Gio What are the Liberian known for? Bassa language resources. Some languages like Dani, spoken in Papua New Guinea, and Bassa, spoken in Liberia and Sierra Leone, only have two terms, dark and light. 1907 LIBERIA JUNK RIVER TO CESTOS BAY GRAND BASSA VINTAGE ADMIRALTY CHART MAP; KvrfEzYE; $39.6000-52%-$19 ||| Item specifics. Book Sense is Not the Only Sense from the Bassa language Chief Zanzan Karwor, Head, National Traditional Council of Liberia. This portrayal of both groups has undermined true patriotism and nationalism in Liberia. Politics and government. Bassa is the name of the people, some 350,000 of whom currently live in Liberia; vah is a Bassa word derived from the word for sign. All data is derived from UNESCO . The language has its own writing system, the Vah. The tale of how the Bassa Vah script came to be encoded into the Unicode Standard winds through Syracuse, Germany, Liberia, France, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and points between. Sort by: Detailed Reviews. Other articles where Bassa is discussed: Liberia: Ethnic groups and languages: Kwa-speaking peoples include the Bassa, the largest group in this category and the largest ethnic group in Monrovia; the Kru and Grebo, who were among the earliest converts to Christianity; the De; Belleh (Belle); and Krahn. Liberia's three largest rivers are St. Paul exiting near Monrovia, the river St. John at Buchanan, and the Cestos River, all of which flow into the Atlantic. The language is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Along with the incredible coastline, Grand Bassa is also known for its incredible artistic talents, beautiful women, and Dumboy soup. The Bassa are a people of Liberia, living in Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Margibi and Montserrado counties, who speak the Bassa language, a Kru language. Grand Cape Mount. Bassa language related products and information at WorldLanguage.com. Dewoin . About The World Travel Guide. World-class language solutions since 1983. See actions taken by the people who manage and But all those who were could teach the Bassa language were already occupied with other positions, and they could not leave those position without being assured of stable employment. Bible resources for Bassa. Puoi utilizzare la bassa stagione per garantire il successo delle scommesse a lungo termine. The system was evaluated using Mean Opinion Score (MOS). Jesus constantly surprises and confounds people, from His miraculous birth to His rise from the grave. It is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone Area: 43,000 sq mi (111,369 sq km). Grand Kru. The Bassa people are a West African ethnic group primarily native to Liberia. The Bassa language is spoken in Liberia and Sierra Leone by Bassa populations. He worked first as an administrator in Grand Bassa, later a county that named its seat as Buchanan in his honor. Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and Liberia; Writing Systems Bassa Vah, Latin; Linguistic Genealogy Niger-Congo; Language Codes ISO 639-3: bsq Glottocode: nucl1418; Reference Links Open Language Archives Wikipedia; Wikitongues safeguards endangered languages, expands access to linguistic resources, and directly supports language revitalization projects on every continent. At Translate 4 Africa, we offer translations of all kinds; could be document, Academic, Immigration, legal or any other field are carried out by our professional and experienced stuff from English language to Bassa. Buchanan serves as the capital with the area of the county measuring 7936 km2. Globally, this group totals 785,900 in 3 countries. Year: 1907. The Progress Scale is derived from people group values for percent Evangelical and percent Christian Adherent. Bassa is a member of the Kru branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Dewoin. Bassa (Cameroon) Bassa (Liberia) Bassa What are the most spoken languages on earth? Ethnology -- Liberia -- Grand Bassa County. 1907 LIBERIA JUNK RIVER TO CESTOS BAY GRAND BASSA VINTAGE ADMIRALTY CHART MAP. The Bassa speak the Bassa language, a Kru language that belongs to the Niger-Congo family of languages. Listing of people groups speaking Bassa. It is referred to as Gbezohn in the local Bassa language. English to Bassa translation services. Overview: The Bassa of Liberia, numbering 772,000, are No Longer Unreached. boundary. The Bassa people who lived in coastal West Africa and other parts including Liberia, Sierra Leone, Togo and Nigeria, Senegal while others settled in central African region of Cameroon and Congo. A classic example is the phrase: Peace was in heaven until Kru People got there. The Bassa script, known as Bassa vah or simply vah ('throwing a sign' in Bassa) is an alphabet for writing the Bassa language of Liberia. Follow His life through excerpts from the Book of Luke, all the miracles, the teachings, and the passion. Get a Quote Learn More. It has an indigenous script, Vah, developed before 1907 by Thomas Narvin Lewis (c.1880-?) Bassa is a type of Kru language that falls under the Niger-Congo language family category. Williametta Piso Saydee citizen including men, women, and youth, has the right to own land regardless of identity, custom, ethnicity, tribe, language, gender or otherwise. Published at: 12/08/2021 - 08:20 / Updated at: 12/08/2021 - 08:21. Filter. Liberia Languages related to Bassa. English is the official language of Liberia. b. It is spoken mainly in Liberia, and also in Sierra Leone, by about 410,000 people (in 2006). The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. Young people use the Latin alphabet, but old generations use the ancient system writing. at the University of Liberia on 10 May. Contact GRAND BASSA COUNTY on Messenger. Although the Language in Liberia. A language profile for Bassa. The Bassa language is a West African Kru language, which is spoken by the 350,000 inhabitants of Liberia and 5,000 Sierra Leoneans by the Bassa people. Bassa; Work with GRN on this language The Bassa Language was accepted as a subject at the University of Liberia. It is referred to as Gbezohn in the local Bassa language. Result of evaluation shows that age is directly proportional to the knowledge of Bassa language in Liberia. (Kru), Grebo and the Bassa languages. The original meaning for Kwii is spirit. The Bassa speak the Bassa language, a Kru language that belongs to the Niger-Congo family of languages. They had their own pictographic writing system but it went out of use in the 19th century, was rediscovered among the slaves of Brazil and the West Indies in 1890s, and reconstructed in early 1900 by Thomas Flo Darvin Lewis. Buchanan, Liberia. Informing and Educating. Bassa: [noun] a seafaring people of Liberia. The Bassa people are a subgroup of the larger Kru people of Liberia and Ivory Coast. Bassa Vah. Liberia facts: Official web sites of Liberia, links and information on Liberia's art, culture, geography, history, travel and tourism, cities, the capital city, airlines, embassies, tourist boards and newspapers. A cikin babban birnin Liberia na Monrovia, su ne mafi yawan kabilu. The Dewoin language is a Kru language of the Niger-Congo family that is spoken by about 8,100 people in Liberia. Ecco come puoi farlo come fanno gli scommettitori sportivi pi esperti. There are also about 5000 in Sierra Leone. Overview: The Bassa of Liberia, numbering 772,000, are No Longer Unreached. They are part of the Kru people cluster within the Sub-Saharan African affinity bloc. Globally, this group totals 785,900 in 3 countries. Their primary language is Bassa. The primary religion practiced by the Bassa is ethnoreligion. Block from U+16AD0 to U+16AFF. There are 29 African languages belonging to the Mande, Kwa or Mel linguistic groups. In Liberia Bassa is spoken in the counties of Grand Bassa, Margibi, Bong and Montserrado. Is it any surprise that about 45 years later, in Canada, an elderly lady could be found, sitting by her window, searching the Scriptures and finding cross-references in a Strongs Concordance! The system was designed using the Unified Modelling Language (UML) tools and implemented using the Java programming language in Android studio environment. Bassa alphabet. Country Region Official language Distribution Total; Liberia: Western Africa: no: Read more. All languages (8) English (7) French (1) Selected filters. Kru (Klao) live along the southern coast bordering Cote d'Ivoire. It contains 36 codepoints.. language group south and southeast of the Dan, and this confused many scholars (Murdock, 1959: 261) who missed Chevalier's explanation.4 In Liberia, Gio persisted as the name for the Dan. Grand Gedeh. Bassa language (Liberia and Sierra Leone) Grand Bassa County (Liberia) Grand Bassa County (Liberia) -- Politics and government. Maryland. More than two dozen languages are spoken in Liberia. The Bassa language is a Kru language spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone by Bassa people. The next largest ethnic group in Liberia is the Bassa. Small Bassa communities are also found in Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast. The Joshua Project Progress Scale is an estimate of the progress of church planting among a people group, people cluster, country or language. It is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone [Bible Society] on Amazon.com. The Bassa speak the Bassa language, a Kru language that belongs to the Niger-Congo family of languages. They are part of the Kru people cluster within the Sub-Saharan African affinity bloc. Liberia - Gbandi language - Mano language - Multilingualism - Mande languages - Kru languages - Mel languages - Gola language - English language - Liberian English - American English - Liberian Kreyol language - Merico language - Kissi language - Dan language - Kpelle language - Loma language - Maninka language - Mende language - Vai language - Bassa See the details on every language spoken in Liberia, plus: Profiles for every other country in the world; 7,464 profiles covering every language in use today; And more! Servicing the life science, banking & financial, and food & agriculture sectors. The Bassa people make up around 13% of the total population, and are one of the only groups to b. mshahom wrote a review May 2018. 105 contributions 49 Fresh seafood from the Atlantic Ocean and hospitable staff makes it the hotel to stay at when in Buchanan,Grand Bassa, Liberia. Date of stay: August 2017. Bassa The language is spoken by the Bassa people of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Songs by musical groups of the host Church were in Bassa (for Mass Choircomprised of women) and English (predominantly younger persons) This group has a unique way of evangelizing. Geographically separated groups evolved their separate culture, language and society. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Page Transparency See More. For centuries, people have prayed for that Kingdom to come. The Bassa language has been long before used in the area before the Americo-Liberians came but the The original meaning for Kwii is spirit. These include 55 Afro-Asiatic languages, two Nilo-Saharan languages, four Ubangian languages, and 169 NigerCongo languages.This latter group comprises one Senegambian language (), 28 Adamawa languages, and 142 BenueCongo languages (130 of which are Further languages in Liberia are: Kpelle (19.5%) Bassa (13.7%) Grebo (8.9%) Gio (7.9%) Kru (7.2%) Interactive map. People Groups. It has a indigenous script, developed before 1907 by Dr. Thomas Narvin Lewis while he was studying at Syracuse University in the United States. In Liberia there are at least sixteen ethnic groups, each belonging to one of three major language groupings. Bassa alphabet Further Liberia and Sierra Leone have as an official language 69 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The One - School of Languages - CUNEO: Bassa alphabet. Of the 4,571 emigrants who arrived in Liberia between Amid environmental and communal dynamics, addressing factors causing challenges of farming is imperative. Liberia is known for Liberia is the first country in Africa which had a female president Life Sciences. River Gee. Bassa is no official language in any country and is spoken only in parts of Liberia. b. Of this, 16,984 were male and 17,286 female. Official Language Of Liberia. Liberian English is a variety of English that is spoken in Liberia. There are several varieties of the language spoken in the country including Kru Pidgin English, Liberian Kreyol language, the Merico language, and Caribbean English. The most formal variety is the Standard Liberian English. Experience in more than 200 languages and dialects. The Bassa language is a Niger-Congo language (Kru languages). About 350,000 people primarily speak it in the Republic of Liberia. A classic example is the phrase: Peace was in heaven until Kru People got there. Guinea and Cte d'Ivoire. But mankind disobeys God. The mortality rate of these settlers was the highest in accurately recorded human history. With an overall population of about 1.05 million, they are t Dani, spoken in New Guinea, and Bassa, spoken in Liberia and Sierra Leone, each have no more than two colour terms, one for dark/cool colours and The Bassa people are a West African ethnic group primarily native to Liberia. The country contains vast timber reserves and substantial deposits of iron ore, gold and diamonds. Menu. It is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia and 5,000 in Sierra Leone Zondotown, Grand Bassa Co. Grand Bassa, Liberia, 406-623-0928. The most interesting group is the Bassa of Liberia who were led to the area byWhen the Adbassa Empire collapsed in the 6th century b.d. View Subscription Plans Akan. There is also a small Bassa speaking population in Sierra Leone Bassa reside predominantly in Grand Bassa, Rivercess and Montserrado counties in Liberia. Bassa can refer to two unrelated ethnic groups in Cameroon and Liberia. General search; Find by Language; Find by Country; Resources; Bassa [Liberia] - ISO Language [bsq] Bassa: Central [Liberia] [bsq] Bassa: Gbor [Margibi] [bsq] Bassa: Hwengbarkon [Liberia] [bsq] Predominant languages include Kpelle, Bassa, Grebo, Dan, Kru, Mano, Loma, and Mandingo (spoken by the Malinke). Unique Bassa clothing by independent designers from around the world. Annie speaks Bassa, a West African language of Liberia and Sierra Leone. to save from danger shoe. Sinoe. KEMIT -The Bassa`r established themselves in modern-day Togo, the Bassa-ri (Land of the Bassa) in Senegal, Sierra-Leone, and the Bassa la Mpasu (Bassa of the River) in the Congo. The southeastern Kru linguistic group comprises Kru, Bassa, Grebo, Krahn and Dei. The language is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia. They have their own writing system, called Bassa Vah which was developed around 1900. Dan. ba-. Encoding the Bassa Vah script of Liberia. In Liberia's capital of Monrovia, they are the largest ethnic group. Religion. Rooms. Ethnologie -- Liberia. Shop online for tees, tops, hoodies, dresses, hats, leggings, and more. The next largest ethnic group in Liberia is the Bassa.The Bassa people make up around 13% of the total population, and are one of Margibi. The language is spoken by the Bassa people of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Buchanan is the third largest city in Liberia, lying on Waterhouse Bay, part of the Atlantic Ocean.
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