86th District Court - Grand Traverse is located in Grand Traverse county in Michigan. The Circuit Court also handles family matters including divorces, Personal Protection Orders, and hears cases appealed from the District Court. The phone number for 86th District Court - Antrim is 231-533-6441 and the fax number is 231-533-6935. Phone: 231-922-4580. Thank you for your cooperation. Death Records Database. Hours. The 96th District Court is a first class district court with offices located in the City of Marquette and the City of Ishpeming. 36 th District Court Case Inquiry System. 1092 Newell Street, PO Box 129. This page last updated on 5/31/2014. 8th District Court records began in late 1968. Feel free to contact the court at (734) 466-2500. 86th District Court in Kaufman, Texas. The phone number for 86th District Court - Leelanau is 231-256-8250 and the fax number is 231-256-8275. Public Land Search Options. 86th District Court Cases. 85th District Court. The phone number for 87-A District Court - Otsego is 989-731-0201 and the fax number is 989-731-7519. P O Box 520. 2. Child Support and Paternity. Leelanau County. Fax: (989) 344-3290 . Use the Filter Boxes below each heading to filter that column. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: For clients of the 86th District Court, the Criminal/Traffic/Civil and Probation Clerk areas will be closed to foot traffic but will be available by phone. (231) 689-7258. Kaufman County 86th District Court is located in Kaufman county in Texas. A ROA is the permanent case history and has essential information relating to that specific case. Maps. 86th District Court - Grand Traverse is located in Grand Traverse county in Michigan. Directions. The District Courts. More people have contact with the district court than any other court. Click on the Filter Icon to select the action. The court address is 100 W Mulberry St, Kaufman TX 75142. Images of individual documents within a file are not available online. Domestic Violence. County Departments. 86th District Court - Leelanau is located in Leelanau county in Michigan. Search. Access case databases to view information about civil and criminal cases. The court address is 280 Washington St, Traverse City MI 49684. Agendas/Minutes/Live Meetings Follow county board meetings. Click on the Filter Icon to select the action. Criminal Records Online Database Search -13th Circuit Court; Criminal Records Online Database Search - 86th District Court; 9. stehl : mark : 1961: 99g104159si1 : closed : stehlik : shaun : 1978: 08s710340st1 : closed : stehlin Overview. Important Message for Clients of 86th District Court:. 86th District Court Cases. 86th District Court - Antrim Contact Details, Antrim, Michigan. Access case databases to view information about civil and criminal cases. Editor Log In. The court address is 8527 E Government Center Dr, Suttons Bay MI 49682. 1. 467 (H.B. County Departments. 86th District Court. 13th Circuit Court. 231 533 6353. 86th District Court - Antrim is located in Antrim county in Michigan. 86th District Court Cases. Welcome to the 36 th District Court Case Inquiry System. 415 Third Street Second Floor Manistee MI 49660. Use the Filter Boxes below each heading to filter that column. The Court System. Traverse City, MI 49684. 13th Circuit Court. Pay Delinquent Taxes. Disclaimer: The Search Courts Records feature is only compatible at this time with IE 11, Chrome or Firefox. The court address is 280 Washington St, Traverse City MI 49684. Probate/Juvenile Case Search. Use the Filter Boxes below each heading to filter that column. If you are experiencing flu-related symptoms or believe you have been exposed to COVID-19 virus, please refrain from entering the building and contact the court. 1. 87-A District Court - Otsego is located in Otsego county in Michigan. The phone number for 86th District Court - Grand Traverse is 231-922-4580. Phone: (989) 344-3237 Accounting; Administration; Building Safety; 86th District Court. 06/03/2022 : 0845a: notice of plea : perez iii : jorge : 188574sm1 : kane, stephen j : stepka Alleged Mentally Ill. District Court: 231-922-4580 DPW: 231-995-6039 Health Department: 231-995-6111 46th Judicial Circuit Court Kalkaska County 605 North Birch Street 9.5 miles away. County Clerk. Charity Mason is Director of Court Operations/Magistrate. Physical address for the Antrim County Building - 203 E. Cayuga St., Bellaire, MI 49615 Mailing addresses are PO Box numbers - each Department has its own PO Box Court Records are typically maintained by the courts that produce the records. The 36th District Court is the largest district court in the state of Michigan and one of the busiest courts in the United States. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 4. View the death record index to find a complete listing of death records. Sheryl Guy. Nearby Courts: Leelanau County Probate Court 301 East Cedar Street 0.0 mile away. 86th District Court - Antrim is located in Antrim county in Michigan. FOIA- Freedom of Information Act Requests for public 86th District Court Case Search. 13th Circuit Court e-filing; 86th District Court payments; 13th Circuit Court civil case records; 13th Circuit Court criminal case records; Construction Code Online Payment Service; Construction Code Sub-trade Permit Application; Maps; New Property Address Form; Parcel Search; Pay delinquent taxes; Public Land Search Options; Visitors. Accounting; Administration; Building Safety; 86th District Court. To see resources on how you can self-represent click on this link: Resources for Self-Represented Litigant. Nearby Courts: Antrim County Probate and Family Court 205 East Cayuga 0.0 mile away. The 8th District Court Case Search is not reflective of all cases filed in the Kalamazoo County 8th District Court. Walk in Hours for the 86th District Court Magistrate in Grand Traverse County will be Mondays 2:30-4:30 pm and in Leelanau on Mondays 2:30-4:00 pm. Available Dockets. The court address is 8527 E Government Center Dr, Suttons Bay MI 49682. Death Records Database. Physical address for the Antrim County Building - 203 E. Cayuga St., Bellaire, MI 49615 Mailing addresses are PO Box numbers - each Department has its own PO Box The court address is 205 E Cayuga St, PO Box 597, Bellaire MI 49615. The phone number for Kaufman County 86th District Court is 972-932-4331. Parks: 231-922-4818 The Circuit Court also handles family matters including divorces, Personal Protection Orders, and hears cases appealed from the District Court. Courts and Public Safety. 13th Judicial Circuit Court Leelanau County Leelanau County Government Center, 8527 East Government Center Drive, Suite 103 3.0 miles away. Brazos County is today served exclusively by three District Courts: the 85th District Court created in 1917, the 272nd District Court created in 1979, and the 361st District Court created in 1985.. District Courts are courts of general jurisdiction, meaning if Blair earned a B.A. Fax: 231-922-4647. Click on the Filter Icon to select the action. Criminal Records Online Database Search -13th Circuit Court; Criminal Records Online Database Search - 86th District Court; 9. Courts in Grand Traverse County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. Business Name Database. Casey L. Blair is a judge for the 86th District Court in Kaufman County, Texas. Traverse City, MI 49684. The 86th District Court is divided into three divisions: communicating with the jail regarding sentencing inmates and notifying the Department of State Police Records Division of case dispositions. Robert P. Griffin Hall of Justice, 280 Washington Street, Suite 114c, Traverse City, MI 49684 Our FAQ page has general instructions on paying violations, or obtaining court documents or criminal records. Home. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. White Cloud, MI 49349. The District Court has jurisdiction in civil matters where the amount in controversys less than $25000.00 and handles garnishments, eviction proceedings, land contract and mortgage foreclosures, and other proceedings as well as small claims court services on civil issues involving disputes of $3000.00 or less. Click on the Filter Icon to select the action. Preliminary exams for the men charged in 86th District Court were scheduled Nov. 3, 2020, Feb. 17, 2021 and April 14, 2021 the delays once for Menu; Government. Effective immediately, face coverings are optional for all visitors. 86th District Court - Leelanau is located in Leelanau county in Michigan. Dockets are provided as a courtesy of the County Clerks Office. Roger W. Kangas and Hon. The District Court, which was established by the Michigan Legislature in 1968 pursuant to constitutional mandate, has more citizen contact than any other court in our judicial system. 231 533 6935 FAX. The phone number for 86th District Court - Leelanau is 231-256-8250 and the fax number is 231-256-8275. RULES OF EVIDENCE. Phone: 231-922-4580. Traverse City, MI 49684. Domestic Violence. Generally, the records for the years of 1969 to 1992 are not available through the online index. 45.011. Menu; Government. 86th District Court payments. 437 E. Division St., Cadillac, MI 49601 (231) 779-9515 (Phone) (231) 779-5396 (Fax) Email: ddecator@wexfordcounty.org. stehl : mark : 1961: 99g104159si1 : closed : stehlik : shaun : 1978: 08s710340st1 : closed : stehlin The court address is 205 E Cayuga St, PO Box 597, Bellaire MI 49615. Maps. 85TH DISTRICT COURT Contact Information; Phone: 231-882-0019: FAX: 231-882-0022: Probation Officer: 231-882-0858: Personnel: Honorable John D. Mead, Judge Walter E. Armstrong, Magistrate Kimberly D. Nowak, Court Adm. Amanda O'Brien, Court Reporter/Deputy Magistrate Trisha Draeger, Probation Officer: Monday - Friday. 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. Additional Parking. The case search application will not display whether or not a case is in warrant status (i.e., an arrest warrant has been issued). The System provides public access to the Register of Actions (ROA) for cases filed in the 36 th District Court and the Courts Schedule.. General Information. 13th Circuit Court civil case records. 86th District Court. The District Court, which was established by the Michigan Legislature in 1968 pursuant to constitutional mandate, has more citizen contact than any other court in our judicial system. The Hon. clerk@antrimcounty.org. Search 86th District Court cases. The court address is 280 Washington St, Traverse City MI 49684. The phone number for 86th District Court - Grand Traverse is 231-922-4580. Physical Address. He has served as the Presiding Judge of the 86th District Court since January 1, 2015. Judge Blair is the Administrative Judge for Kaufman County.Prior to serving on the bench, Judge Blair was a teacher in the Mesquite ISD, an Assistant Felony District Attorney for Dallas County, and a partner in a private law firm. 84th District Court. Contact. 06/03/2022 : 0845a: notice of plea : perez iii : jorge : 188574sm1 : kane, stephen j : stepka 86th District Court Case Search.

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